Congratulations, Alyssa West - P.O.D.

Guest062512's Avatar
I love your listed occupation: Happiness Consultant.

Have a wonderful day!
netman's Avatar
Contrats... YUMMY!!!

travelling_man's Avatar
This reminds me that I need to see her again. I tend to forget a lot about the girls in FW because they are so far away.
gatewayloco's Avatar
She is sooooo hottt.
She is sooooo hottt. Originally Posted by gatewayloco
You didn't type nearly enough o's or t's for that girl!

Her eyes had me the minute she opened the door. I knew I was toast right then. She is a smart, fun and intelligent girl who has way more than her fair share of sex appeal and some killer playground equipment.
AlyssaWest's Avatar
Yall are the best!!! I freaking love being a happiness consultant...LOL! No for real, thank you so day officially became great!
PODarkness's Avatar
Damn! For a moment I thought I'd won something good!

Congrats you are very pretty woman.
It takes one to know one, Tara.

Grats to Alyssa.