Changing My Name Or Hiding My Activity

In the past few years I have been using the same name... I made the mistake of calling my step dad from my "other phone" not thinking he'd google my number and find out my entire double life. How should I go about revising what I've got going on? I have another unlisted number but if I keep my name the same he can just google it and still know my every move. Is there a way to change my name without ruining my reviews and credibility or must I start back from scratch?

Hope you all can help!


cinderbella's Avatar
Hi, sorry this happened to you. I too accidentally texted my hobby phone number to a relative without realizing who I was texting and am praying he hasn't already googled it.
My understanding is that you should pm your local moderator and explain the situation to find out the rules. I believe under some circumstances you can change info but the mods are the ones I know and advise accordingly. Best of luck to you, it's always a learning experience! Some people cannot understand no matter what, try to lead a dignified life and hold your head up high and realize you are not the only woman out there who struggles with this stigma society holds us in. You are not a bad person, you have strength and are utilizing your god given gifts of beauty and intellect to earn a living in an oppressive economic climate where only the strong survive. You just can't please everyone and people are going to condemn you as a woman no matter what you decide to do with your life. They don't call it the worlds oldest profession for nothing. Love yourself and value yourself as a human being. I know God does even thought some choose not to believe it.
  • sole
  • 07-31-2012, 08:28 AM
cinderbella wonderful youve spoke words of wisdom to me
Some people cannot understand no matter what, try to lead a dignified life and hold your head up high and realize you are not the only woman out there who struggles with this stigma society holds us in. You are not a bad person, you have strength and are utilizing your god given gifts of beauty and intellect to earn a living in an oppressive economic climate where only the strong survive. You just can't please everyone and people are going to condemn you as a woman no matter what you decide to do with your life. They don't call it the worlds oldest profession for nothing. Love yourself and value yourself as a human being. I know God does even thought some choose not to believe it. Originally Posted by cinderbella
There's more Christian thought and belief in this singular post than probably all of the DFW Church services put together from this past Sunday. Including the 60k at Jerry World.

Kudos to you.
Thank you Cinderbella, I agree with what the others said your words are very encouraging. I will check into that with the Mods, Thanks
joyote's Avatar
Beautiful post, cinderbella.

txswing99's Avatar

Cinderella's advice is obviously great for your situation.

if i might suggest you go further...and use some of the suggestions from my one of my posts several months ago. See:

At minimum, modifying the public pictures of yourself to remove anything that makes you easily identifiable would be a good idea.

Hope it helps...

  • Kloie
  • 08-07-2012, 12:47 AM
so sweete Cinderbella and good luck Anya.