KC Was Fun

Guest062813-1's Avatar
Hey I wanted to apologize to anyone I missed in KC. It was a busy busy weekend for me. If I didn't catch you this time, hopefully we can meet up the next time. Maybe this weekend? Anyways, I am back in Wichita. So gents hmu when you are ready!

And a special thank you to the guys I did have the pleasure of meeting. you guys make KC feel like a home away from home.

See you next weekend

I am glad you enjoyed your stay in KC. You are welcome here anytime.
Bomb Pop's Avatar
I somehow missed your ad <kicking self> damnit. Next time im gonna get onboard.
KC ALWAYS represents well !! One of my favorite places to tour!! Hopefully you didnt wear them out too badly before i arrive this week.

Glad you had fun !!!
DallasRain's Avatar
Glad ya had fun...I loved KC as well!

safe travels!!