But of COURSE the Dems don't commit election fraud

"Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's campaign is asking Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli to launch an investigation into voter-registration forms that are being sent to Virginia residents and addressed to deceased relatives, children, family pets and others ineligible to vote."


Read the article. Notice where they point out that pre-filling the blanks on the voter registration form is a violation of the law. The applicant must fill out his own form.
100% dems???
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Mike did you read the article?
It appears that this request is in response to a newspaper report of complaints by the people that received them. So I am thinking that it is not 100% Democrats but more than likely about 98%.
It appears the mailings were targeted to certain districts.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Just admit it liberals. Voter fraud exists and it needs to be investigated. When it turns out that most of it comes from democrats you are on track to convict them. Don't worry about the few GOP scoundrels, the GOP usually kicks out the crumbs but the dems reelect them.

Other than fox the reports of real voter fraud is very low. Dems try voter fraud repubs use disenfranchising. It all works out...LOL
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ekim is very ignorant it seems. Do we have to go through this again Ekim. You've been proven long so many times when this comes up but you keep putting up the same weak arguments. Just admit it, voter fraud happens. You may be one of those that will accept some voter fraud as was documented on a CNN report two months ago but when elections are decided by margins of less than 2% it makes a difference. Of course you really know this but you prefer to win then play an honest game.
Ekim is very ignorant it seems. Do we have to go through this again Ekim. You've been proven long so many times when this comes up but you keep putting up the same weak arguments. Just admit it, voter fraud happens. You may be one of those that will accept some voter fraud as was documented on a CNN report two months ago but when elections are decided by margins of less than 2% it makes a difference. Of course you really know this but you prefer to win then play an honest game. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Blah blah blah JD your arguments are the same there are other sources of news besides your beloved fox and cnn .But being a bagger you will refuse to believe then as your mind is all ready made up....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Good boy, you watch the alphabet channels, Most wingers won't touch those liberal brain washers.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So you're wrong again.
about what???