If your penis is smaller than your thumb, then odds are your dick alone can't make her cum.
But don't be sad if this is you.Its okay. My advice to you if her nut is soooo gawd awefully important is to follow my three simple rules.
Rule no.1
* Know your female anatomy.( If you can't find her clit, she don't want you to lick)
Rule no.2
*Penetration is a big +1 (please have clean fingers less you wants to get slapped)
Rule no.3
*Be gentle when rubbing your stubbly mustache all over my cooch
Follow those three simple rules and you will be golden. If you still can't make your lady cum, get yours. Life is too short to waste time being unhappy. If you need more time with your lady friend, grab some drinks start up a convo throw a party, for goodness sake do something! If you are cursed by the dreaded rule of thumb, there is still plenty of fun to be had, but YOU have to make it happen!
xoxo Cherry