Romney likes Churchil better than Abraham Lincoln

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-27-2012, 11:05 AM
LONDON - After promising not to criticize American policies while abroad, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Thursday took a swipe at President Obama's decision in 2009 to remove the bust of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill from the Oval Office, a decision that ruffled the feathers of some Brits.

"I'm looking forward to the bust of Winston Churchill being in the Oval Office again," Romney told a crowd of about 250 people at a Thursday evening fundraiser at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel following a day of meetings with current and former British leaders.

The bronze torso of Churchill had been loaned to President George W. Bush following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and although it was due to be returned when Obama took office, British officials offered to extend the loan for another four years. Obama declined, and replaced the Churchill bust with one of President Abraham Lincoln, a Republican figure in history Obama admires.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There's room for both.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-27-2012, 11:20 AM
I like Churchill, always have.

not so sure I'd want a reminder of the Bush Blair relationship, and the premise the bust was loaned sitting in my Oval office if I was the president either ...
Churchill was one of history's truely evil people:

1.Engineered the disasterous Galipoli campaign, sacrifcing the lives of huge numbers of Australians.

2.Forged paintings in huge art frauds to support his lavish living.

3.Took huge amounts of money from anti-German pressure groups to fabricate false stories about Germany, once again to support his lavish living.

4.Ordered the fire-bombing of German cities with no military value.

5.Ordered the disasterous Italian campaign in 1943.

6.Conspired with Stalin behind Roosevelt's back to divide up eastern Europe in contradiction with British agreements with the US.

7.Ordered British Intelligence to fabricate evidence that Iran would fall to the communists so trick the US into overthrowing the elected Prime Minister of Iran in 1953

8.Was a degenerate alchoholic, liar, murderer and swindler all his life.

oh and don't forget he was turned out of office in 1944 before the war was even over because at the time the British were fed up with him.
joe bloe's Avatar
I like Churchill, always have.

not so sure I'd want a reminder of the Bush Blair relationship, and the premise the bust was loaned sitting in my Oval office if I was the president either ... Originally Posted by CJ7
Since you don't agree with anything Churchill believed in, why do you like him? I had you figured for a Neville Chamberlain fan.
Neville Chamberlin did the right thing by agreeing to let the Germans have Czechoslovakia.

Where Chamerberlin went wrong was in not declaring war on Russia when it invading Poland along with Germany in August 1939. That was a big mistake.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-27-2012, 11:38 AM
Since you don't agree with anything Churchill believed in, why do you like him? I had you figured for a Neville Chamberlain fan. Originally Posted by joe bloe

I did a book report on him in the 7th grade and got an A+,

I had didnt have you figured for a savage canibal

we were both wrong ..
joe bloe's Avatar
Churchill was one of history's truely evil people:

1.Engineered the disasterous Galipoli campaign, sacrifcing the lives of huge numbers of Australians.

2.Forged paintings in huge art frauds to support his lavish living.

3.Took huge amounts of money from anti-German pressure groups to fabricate false stories about Germany, once again to support his lavish living.

4.Ordered the fire-bombing of German cities with no military value.

5.Ordered the disasterous Italian campaign in 1943.

6.Conspired with Stalin behind Roosevelt's back to divide up eastern Europe in contradiction with British agreements with the US.

7.Ordered British Intelligence to fabricate evidence that Iran would fall to the communists so trick the US into overthrowing the elected Prime Minister of Iran in 1953

8.Was a degenerate alchoholic, liar, murderer and swindler all his life.

oh and don't forget he was turned out of office in 1944 before the war was even over because at the time the British were fed up with him. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts

Total bullshit. I would expect no less from a holocaust denier. You don't like Churchill because you're a Hitler fan.
cptjohnstone's Avatar

8.Was a degenerate alchoholic,

Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
but in the morning,I will be sober and theaustinescourts will still be ugly
joe bloe's Avatar
but in the morning,I will be sober and theaustinescourts will still be ugly Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
No he'll be a Nazi.
Total bullshit. I would expect no less from a holocaust denier. You don't like Churchill because you're a Hitler fan. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Actually I think Hitler definitely has the high ground over Churchill, but that's not saying much.

Anyway I think it was the British voters who didn't like Churchill when they voted his party out of office in 1944 in the middle of the war LOL.
joe bloe's Avatar
What is your opionion of Anders Breivik?
Actually I think Hitler definitely has the high ground over Churchill, but that's not saying much.

Anyway I think it was the British voters who didn't like Churchill when they voted his party out of office in 1944 in the middle of the war LOL. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
tea, sometimes people emerge on these forums who are so deranged that they make the run of the mill whackos seem comfortably mildly eccentric.

Your comments wrt. to Hitler are outrageous.

It is not worth correcting all your factual errors, but Churchill was prime minister and led his party until the end of the war, and his party was voted out in 1945, not 1944.

I'm glad you made these elementary mistakes, as it shows your contemptible views are the product of an evil distorted mind.

What I can't figure is how you can be so admiring of the Israeli armed forces, yet admire Hitler who murdered so many of those same people.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-27-2012, 07:47 PM
There's room for both. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Maybe he can just put it where the current White House Churchill bust sits.

Seems like a win/win.

Actually I think Hitler definitely has the high ground over Churchill, but that's not saying much.

Anyway I think it was the British voters who didn't like Churchill when they voted his party out of office in 1944 in the middle of the war LOL. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
TAE might be a distraction. Stay on point guys. Nothing personal but what happened 70 years ago, fuck it. Nov 2nd is what I'm thinking about...