Am I just perverted?

Chellablaine's Avatar
Or do these resemble penises? I dont know how to post a pic on here so if anyone else does please do so.,242206
Nah I think you are perverted.
Captin Kirk's Avatar
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 05-19-2010, 11:02 PM
Nah I think you are perverted. Originally Posted by presto
Nah, it is just another threAD!
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 05-19-2010, 11:23 PM
As gay as those mascots look, you might be perverted .... LOL! (Not that is such a bad thing!)

Chellablaine's Avatar
Uhhh yeh, and I didnt realize it at first but theres a rainbow in the background. Seriously, hmmm. wtf? Is it the flaming olympics?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

I dunno about them resembling penises, but I have to agree with the article that they are strange & creepy. Kinda odd considering that this was a creation by a group of children.

where's ren & stimpy when you need them!
Originally posted by kymberrlydawn:
Am I just perverted?
is that a bad thing?
bayou boy
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
is that a bad thing?
bayou boy Originally Posted by Thibodaux
dunno.... everyones a pervert to a certain degree whether they admit it or not.
I dunno about them resembling penises, but I have to agree with the article that they are strange & creepy. Kinda odd considering that this was a creation by a group of children.

where's ren & stimpy when you need them! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

I love Ren & Stimpy!!!!

Don't really look like pensis's! lol
DallasRain's Avatar
wooohoooooooo yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh

thats why i luv ya are just like!!!
wooohoooooooo yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh

thats why i luv ya are just like!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
lol we need to have lunch
KYM. One word YES. If you see penis in those 2.

Ok if Dallas and LAVixan are having lunch, who is eating who first and can I watch.
DallasRain's Avatar
mmmmmm RP babe you sure can!!!!
{and if you dont watch it...we may eat lunch off of}
Chellablaine's Avatar
Uggh! I need some PENIS!! Everything looks like penis, haha!