Serching for a partner.... Male or Female...just have BRAINS

farrahvancock's Avatar
Hey Board long time no see!

My new business ventures have stolen ALL, if any free time.

Any who, Im in search a potential business partner and/or investor. Within a year my start up biz has grown to become more than i can manage.

Cant share to much about the biz as it is NOT hobby related and is a very local/public biz. Inbox or email me for more info.

Best Regards,
Can I call BS...on this one?
Un-hobby related....oh...just take a look at your avatar.......yeah right....get a clue....

A minimal showcase, no BIO and no link to your provider website ?? .....WTF ?
I see pimp all over this. I could be wrong....but yes. BE AWARE.
Also....not impressed with the reviews. ooooozing PIMP. you not have enough discretion?
This is just trashing up the board and taking up valuable time of those who might inquire.

Oldrichwhiteguy's Avatar
You could google her name and see that she is very professional and has appeared in many national magazines and stared in a few films. Probably ligit.