....similar to Abortion issue in that it will ALWAYS be a hot button issue...
Evangelicals believe that Sexuality is a choice, and that is what sets it apart from other discrimination issues....Obviously the Homosexual supporters believe that they are born that way....neither side is going to budge on their position...
Couple of points by the author of the article, though: When he points out that over 70 other countries could possibly punish homosexuality by death...Umm, when did we start caring about foreign laws? There is enough debate over our country getting involved in foreign countries/dictators actually Killing people that some Americans are fed up with...Do we really want to start trying change other social policies too? Secondly, The article writer talks about "christians" wearing WWJD bracelets and mis-behaving, etc...and churches "looking the other way"...
There will ALWAYS be members of any group you can imagine who "break the rules" or are hypocritical to the beliefs they "supposedly" adhere to...to attack those people seems not much different from some of the attacks that other groups unjustly receive...Personally, I am horrified by about 99% of supposed "religious" pastors (or whatever you want to call them) that are on TV, and I wholeheartedly believe that they will each pay a very dear price when they eventually meet their maker, for the injustices they have and are doing....Personally, I dont have an issue with the Gay/Lesbian community, except when they mobilize and exude the same Hate that they themselves hate when it is aimed at them....I understand that SOME of the activities that the foundations that Chic Fil A support are anti-homosexual, but if you think they are the ONLY high profile company that engages in this type of support, you are sorely mis-informed. I agree with the sentiment that it is a VERY dangerous slope to allow certain Government Entities (such as city of Chicago, San Francisco) to come out and declare that they will do what they can to dis-allow building permits to Chic Fil A for comments/policies of there upper management...once again, isnt this the type of discrimination that EVERY color, race, heritage, ethnicity and sexual orientation should ADAMENTLY BE OPPOSE TO?
Bottom line is this, if you dont like where a company is spending their profits, dont contribute to them.
Man, I didnt intend for this to go on like this....apologies for that