Taking some time off

Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 05-20-2010, 03:45 PM
I wanted to let everyone know that I have decided to take some time away from my duties as an ECCIE Staff Member. Nothing is wrong with me or my family. (Well there is this twitch....LOL!)

As members of this wonderful site you deserve staff members that can respond to your questions/needs on a timely basis. I don't feel I can do that right now so I am taking time off from my duties as a Moderator. If things change in the next couple of months I may return to the staff.....who knows! (Assuming you want me back.....LOL!!)

I will still be looking at the board and maybe posting once in a while but I will not be performing any staff related duties.

Keep in mind that since I am not leaving ECCIE completely I will still answer emails and PMs but not as a Moderator and probably not as quickly as I have in while on staff.

I know I am leaving you in good hands with Omahan. Please understand that he, like all of the staff members, is a volunteer. He does this job because he wants to contribute. Omahan's already heavy workload is obviously about to increase. Please be patient and continue to show him the same respect you have graced me with both here on ECCIE and on ASPD.

Please refer all of your questions/concerns to Omahan.

Thank you,

Your kind and humble.....friend!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Bubba, meaning no offense to the Lone Wolf Moddy Rater Dude who moderates my "home" forum (BIG C) or to Omahan, you've been probably the best, most pleasant, and most helpful mod of all of the ones I've seen in action, both here and at the late, lamented Mothership (may she rest in peace).

I'll miss you, and I'm sure many of us here share that sentiment.

Best of luck to you!!


Omahan's Avatar
I agree with BCG, Bubba is the only SUPER - moderator on ECCIE. Bubba, hurry back!
Lakeman's Avatar
Bubba, a lot of us appreciate the energy and effort you've put into this job. I've never forgotten what you and the other moderators do is done as a volunteer. This site has helped me more times than I can count. Thank you for your part.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 05-21-2010, 08:42 AM
Thanks for the kind words guys......the check is in the mail!! LOL!!

BCG - I believe BigC moderates Memphis.

Take care!
DallasRain's Avatar
take care babe....and remember to have fun!!!
I just finally got around to joining this site and what do I see but Bubba is stepping away, hopefully just for a short time to rejunevate.

bluffcityguy's Avatar
I just finally got around to joining this site and what do I see but Bubba is stepping away, hopefully just for a short time to rejunevate. Originally Posted by boredinstl
Took ya long enough! Welcome aboard.


bcg (I agree; "losing" Bubba, even for a little bit, is a bummer)
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 06-01-2010, 07:24 AM
Welcome aboard Bored!!

I am taking some time away from moderating but I still browse the board from time to time.

Have fun but be safe!!
Glad to see you will still be around. I know that being a mod puts the hobby into an entirely different category. It didn't leave me time to pursue hot lil' strippers, my favorite past time. I have a couple of numbers right now, definitely lots of fun. As long as they don't find out about each other I'll stay safe. Same club one on days the other on nights.

bluffcityguy's Avatar
Glad to see you will still be around. I know that being a mod puts the hobby into an entirely different category. It didn't leave me time to pursue hot lil' strippers, my favorite past time. I have a couple of numbers right now, definitely lots of fun. As long as they don't find out about each other I'll stay safe. Same club one on days the other on nights. Originally Posted by boredinstl
That's quite convenient; you're covered right through the shift change, then?

