BEWARE; Providers beware of this Person

Ok, This is infamous THALIA that all the fuss has been about regarding so many negative post and threads.

This is the situation.. I have major issues with an ex-husband with a major AX to GRIND. I have attempted to stay out of the loops in threads as to avoid additional contact, communication, etc. from him.
We were married in 2006 in LasVegas and he was certainly every bit of my knight and shining armor! I have two wonderful children from a prior relationship, he showed to be an excellent example of a family man. Early on after we were married there were signs of mistrust, control issues and the obsession of me baring his child. I chose to leave him at that time. I had and ran my own business and was successful in doing so for until 2010. Something I later found out that he had something to do with. Understand, he is an engineer by trade and is from a well to do and political connected family, thus he does not work in his field unless he gets bored of his daily routine, tending his home, dining, traveling, etc. We indeed had a seeming perfect life prior to several events that took place during our brief marriage. I was the one who filed for divorce and it was finalized 2007, with that finalization, all that I took out of it was my maiden name back. He was ver specific at that time as he did NOT want the divorce that... and these are his exact words:

"I am relentless and you will have nothing"

I have received a reference request from a well known and well reviewed provider that HE is using me as a reference for. I feel at this point for the safety of all providers that I have NO CHOICE and am obligated to provide this information as he has finally began using his real information and contacting me on my provider site via his real email address at this time.

I began working in this industry in June 2010, out of necessity and in the beginning utilized most of the money's made to try and save my last office to no avail. Since the divorce he has indeed made my life miserable unless, I was with him! I did go back and forth to him for more reasons than one, 1. sadly, I did still have feeling for him, and 2. ultimately, he was hurting bother people to hurt me and used that as leverage. Understanding now that this is common mistake that we sometimes make.
It has been apparent on several boards utilizing several alias's that he still chooses to create issues and problems as he feels, should I not be able to earn an income that I will indeed return to him as he has accomplished his goal. He obviously has posted false reviews, created threads utilizing all of my personal information and posting some information that is/and or are out right lies.

My apologies for not clarifying this situation sooner, however, I presumed that he had a girlfriend and was not certain that he was seeing other providers until I received this reference request. Nor is him seeing providers is an issue or concern of mine, but for their safety and sanity.

Understanding that there are at least two sides to every story, I have documented proof of many of the malicious things that have been posted, phone calls made, letters sent out, emails and witnesses over the last five years that can verify the amount of damage he continues to attempt.

I have only come to my defense on rare occasion, that was and if the boards had not removed threads that contained my personal information, which I will not list his in this WARNING. He is charming and very attentive, however, be aware there is a completely different side to him. A scary one, my children for their sanity have been moved to another country and have been there for at least two and a half years now.

This is about as much as I can say at this time and should you feel the need for clarification on identity or otherwise as he travels all over, Texas, New Orleans, Florida, Las Vegas, San Francisco, the Bahamas and many many more places. Providers just beware and stay safe

Sincerest regards and safety first and foremost,
TheWanderer's Avatar
Love is a many splendored thing.

Good loving gone bad.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I have received a reference request from a well known and well reviewed provider that HE is using me as a reference for
So did you give a bad reference or a good one?

Maybe you need to step aside for a bit before clients start to get involved in your super drama
He's not a client...
There is no reference to provide....