I am currently FINALLY trying to put together a portfolio and get my photography REALLY off the ground after working with friends and providers for years freelance and as a hobby. I'll be in San Antonio and available for shoots Thurs and Fri and will be on Austin Sat and Sun.
My images are unique, classy and will really help you stand out and up your image as a professional provider. I'm offering some special rates for these days. $50-$100 off the packages listed on the site.
I am actually an ex provider who now works with providers offering other services (booking, web design, photography). I'm open minded, friendly and love working for YOU the provider.
Have a look at a small collection of images I've done recently and email me or give me a call

These would be on location in SA, so I would go to you whether that's at your incall location or at a hotel. Austin I will have a nice hotel room for the shoots. If you need help choosing a hotel for some really fun and unique images, let me know, I will gladly help you choose depending on the type of image you are wanting
