Stolen Car...No Phone

So just letting my gents know
my car was stolen from a gas station
tonight, along with my phone
it has already been suspended
I'm gonna go get the replacement tomorrow
but I ask that you please do not contact
that number until I verify that I have my new phone
what a night!
<3 Summer
Oh Snap! That freaking sucks! I hope that it was fully insured.
Jten13's Avatar
sorry to hear that sucks hope you get it back!
LOL yes thank the lord for full coverage!
&& I doubt I'm getting that car back
thanks for the support though love
BUT I do believe in karama so he will get his im sure of it
<3 Summer xoxo
That is crap....why people do that! So frustrating...well let us know if we can help in anyway....yes, karma will catch up with them!

FootLong's Avatar
Holy crap! Major bummer. When you get a new phone you should probably change the number as well.
Thanks so much for all your support and advice
My phone has been replaced and is now back on
It's times like these that makes you appreciate the
little things in life and disregard the materialistic things
<3 Summer
ok gents my phone is now on and ready to go