need to delete review

This was my first review and I screwed up. Last night I wrote a review on Phoenix Night and it came back rejected because I didn't put enough detail in the ROS. Instead of editing it, I wrote another. This too had errors, so I wrote another. I thought the first two wouldn't be posted, but they were. Would you delete the first two reviews and leave the third? The third says she does CBJ, which I didn't put in the first. I also left out ROS. Thank you
I also figured out how to use edit. Several are commenting on the three reviews for the same event, which is why the first two need be deleted. I didn't relize all would be posted, but asked last night to delete the first two, which didn't happen. Just want to fix this. Thank you
Mojojo's Avatar
Your review has been removed. Please note that the staff is here on a voluntary basis and is not always online, however we will do try and make sure to handle things as timely as possible.

Also before your next review you may want to consider reading this tutor first:

The sticky's will also help provide guidance and other useful useful info.
Ya, I read it and the ideas on how to write review. Just didn't the technical aspects of doing it. I know better now, especially the edit button. Thank you for deleting those other reviews. I noticed others were commenting on them, so I made an effort to try and fix the problem I created. I didn;t want the provider to have questions made towards her because of my mistake.. I guess that's called learning.
I find I can get a better review written if I first write it in M/S word than from that I can write the review. When writing in the review site it always looks good until it is posted than I see the mistrakes I make. I still end up doing the edit thing before I am happy with it.