Guest032213's Avatar
I am having a party again it will be a Birthday/ meet -n- greet, This is how its going to work ...

email me at

1. You must be well known or atleast have "yes" reviews by well known men.
2. door fee 25 for ladies.
3. A well known fella is also helping with the party, so we are looking at 8-25-2012.
4. any drama will see you to the front door, I / we will have zero tolerance for any UNADULT rudeness. we are here to have a great time... and visit -n- eat some great cooking... so come on ladies lets meet these gents face 2 face and have a summer ending BLAST!
E-MAIL ME for more info please. Thanks! smooches LEXUS

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Come and out and relax and meet some nice women !! As for you men you MUST be well known and have seen some well known ladies, door fee forr you gents is 75 ( byob ) there is a well know fella off here that is in on this with me as well , should he want his name known he may step and comment here, same rule forr you men as well as it is for ladies.
lets have fun! eat n drink ! Please contact me thru my email .

Thanks- smooches LEXUS!
( THERE will be no names giviing as to wich ladies will come either ) saftey is number 1! ( and same goes for the guys ) all a big fun supprise!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
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#30 - ECCIE does not, in any way, sponsor or represent social events, meet and greets, or similar activities. On occasion, events may be announced here by our members, however, ECCIE is not associated with or responsible for such events. We are not involved with any related aspects, such as guest selection, screening, or hosting. Should members of our volunteer staff choose to participate in such an event, it should be understood that their personal involvement is of their own choice and responsibility, and in no way connected to their duties here on staff. If you are the host of one of these events, we will allow for ONE "announcement" post to inform the membership, which will be immediately locked to prevent further public discussions regarding the event.