The original post was meant to be pretty much tongue in cheek. Met Sapphire, she retired. Met Luckyluv, same thing. Met EH, and I gather she is now taking a break. I was just making an observation about what seems to be a lot of roster changes in the sport.
Originally Posted by Backcountry
I can honestly say you had nothing to do with any of those ladies taking time away from the hobby. Lucky decided to do something different (when she called and asked me to close her account I think savior actually cried), Sapphire moved on to bigger and better things (again, another savior tear) and EH became a kept woman....but I've heard she may be coming back soon.
This is a valuable lesson to learn bro, the ladies will come and go but your hobby buddies are the ones that will still be around and we'll be the ones finding new talent.