Illinois adopts stripper tax to fund rape crisis centers

The measure establishes a new tax on the clubs that will raise up to $1 million a year, helping to reverse several years of funding cuts for rape crisis centers. The legislation has also sparked debate over how strong of a link can be drawn between strip clubs and violent crime, and whether those businesses should pay out to fight the problems.

The law, which takes effect Jan. 1, will place an annual surcharge on strip clubs that have live nude dancing and permit alcohol. Businesses could pay $3 per customer or pay a graduated amount based on their sales. The money will go to a special fund devoted to preventing sexual violence and counseling its victims.

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I would argue that strip clubs reduce sex crimes.

On the subject of rape victims, the Republican senatorial candidate from Missouri who opposes abortion under any circumstance just claimed that "legitimate rape" rarely causes pregnancy".
On the subject of rape victims, the Republican senatorial candidate from Missouri who opposes abortion under any circumstance just claimed that "legitimate rape" rarely causes pregnancy". Originally Posted by jackfengshui they say... education doesn't necessary mean intelligence.
He's just another idiot politician. It will be blown out of perspective but if voters refused to vote for idiots, who would be in charge of wasting taxpayer money?

Here are some of his quotes:

"People always want to make it into one of those things — well, how do you slice this particularly tough ethical question," Akin said in an interview on KTVI-TV, video of which was circulated by the Democratic super PAC American Bridge.

“First of all, from what I understand from doctors, [pregnancy from rape] is really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down," Akin said.

Regarding his opinion on whether to allow for an abortion in such instances, Akin added: “But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.”
In a statement, Akin said that he had misspoken.

"In reviewing my off-the-cuff remarks, it's clear that I misspoke in this interview and it does not reflect the deep empathy I hold for the thousands of women who are raped and abused every year," he said.
pyramider's Avatar
Stupid politicians are everywhere. Unfortunately, the majority of politicians are not equipped to work in the private sector.

I am surprised the strip club owners are not protesting the law. The club owners in TX have a powerful lobby.
[QUOTE=jackfengshui;3081962]I would argue that strip clubs reduce sex crimes.

I would totally agree with you on that Jack, i dont think people that are going to strip clubs are the ones that are doing the crime!!

As for the polticians lets not go there i think this thread would blow up!! They have no clue what the everyday person wants or needs in life!!
the police are in STING MODE at the rape crisis centers everybody
the police are in STING MODE at the rape crisis centers everybody Originally Posted by JONBALLS
yes but they are searching only for cases of "illegitimate" rape vs. the "legitimate rape" that asshole Akin speaks of.
EVERYTHING!,,,its not called STING MODE for nuthin
although I just heard from my informant that they may be targeting the "legitamite rape' more during STING MODE

as aposed to your just,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," everyday" or......................." run of the mill "STING S

take that for whatever its worth
although I just heard from my informant that they may be targeting the "legitamite rape' more during STING MODE

as aposed to your just,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," everyday" or......................." run of the mill "STING S

take that for whatever its worth Originally Posted by JONBALLS
That's Bullshit! I thought with "legitimate rape" you're allowed to rape... like legally because it's legit. Fucking government telling us what to do with our bodies!
pyramider's Avatar
Is being legitimately raped like being kinda pregnant?
Is being legitimately raped like being kinda pregnant? Originally Posted by pyramider
I think that's what they call an IRS audit these days.