It matches your political view points to a candidate; with opportunity for individual answers to political issues......it is very interesting....

My results:

I sided with Rand Paul and Gary Johnson 97%
Mit Romney 92%
Obama 27%
Texas voters 66%
National voters 62%

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gary Johnson 98%
Ron Paul 95%
Jimmy McMillan (Who is he?) 91%
Mitt Romney 72%
Barack Obama 15% (I think that's high)
Kansas voters 54%
National Voters 55%

Question: If I side with Gary Johnson 98%, and with National Voters 55%, how is it that Gary Johnson is "Unelectable"?

LOL! McMillan is the "Rent Is Too Damn High" guy.
Gary Johnson is very electable; he just needs to get access to media, debates, and ballot box. I tried to get him nominated as VP, about the fastest path possible to having a libertarian President........

LOL...Jimmy McMillan is from the "The Rent Is Too Damn High" Party.................
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, WW. You like Obama better than I do! I differed with Johnson in the areas of Evolution (I don't buy it, but I also don't buy Bible creationism either. I'm just not convinced.) and the Space Program (my guilty pleasure, but he's probably right. It should now be left to private industry.).
  • Laz
  • 08-20-2012, 12:21 PM
Ron Paul 95%
Gary Johnson 91%
Mitt Romney 90%
Barrack Obama 4%
Texas Voters 59%
American Voters 55%
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wow! How do get 90% commonality between Johnson and Romney? That's interesting.
I B Hankering's Avatar
By Candidate:
Mitt Romney 93%
Ron Paul 83%
Gary Johnson 69%
Barrack Obama 65%

American Voters 50%

By Party:
88% Republican
66% Libertarian
46% Democratic
20% Green
IB: WTF 70% Obama ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Not only that, WW. He has 70% Obama, AND 70% Johnson. How the hell does that happen?
I B Hankering's Avatar
IB: WTF 70% Obama ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Not only that, WW. He has 70% Obama, AND 70% Johnson. How the hell does that happen? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Missed the questions on the hidden menus first time around. Edited the first post to show the new spread. (Still didn't see where to make a by state comparison!?!)
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-20-2012, 02:32 PM
its a quiz not a poll ..

it and $1 will get you a cup of coffee
Gary Johnson 94%
Ron Paul 94%
Mitt Romney 86%
Barack Obama 25%

I always considered myself only a "semi-libertarian", but maybe I'm more libertarian than I thought.

(I'm probably a liberal compared to a couple of you guys, though!)
its a quiz not a poll ..

it and $1 will get you a cup of coffee Originally Posted by CJ7
Not a Starbuck's!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Not at Starbuck's! Originally Posted by bigtex
+1 Inflation's a bitch!
chefnerd's Avatar
You're right, it is an interesting little exercise.
My results:
Gary Johnson 73%
Ron Paul 73%
Mitt Romney 69%
Barack Obama 66%
Texas 63%
US voters 63%

By Party
Republican 64%
Democrat 64%
Libertarian 62%
Green 54%

Absolutely no idea what this actually means except that maybe my opinions are all over the board.