Obama Administration Uses Stimulus Funds to Buy Advertising

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
From the "You Can't Make This Shit Up" Department, it turns out that the Obama administration spent almost $500K on ads aired on shows like Olbermann and Maddow. Seriously?

The ads were to promote "green" jobs. The only green was going from the taxpayer to MSNBC.


Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-22-2012, 07:21 AM
Well it did help keep someone employed.
joe bloe's Avatar
There are public service annoucements on television promoting Obamacare. These ads are provided for free, by television stations, in order to keep their FCC licenses. They amount to free advertising for Obama.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If they're free, why did they cost $500K? Of "stimulus" money?