I want to say I had SOOO much fun tonight. Sorry I had to bail early...I've got unfinished business to attend to, lol.
I wanted to take the time to thank two special ladies I got the opportunity to get to know tonight that are by far the sweetiest most caring!! It really gave a different out look on having providers as friends!! Thanks girls!!
I think we all need to have a slumber party!!
Oh man I cant wait for the next one!!!
...And you rocked the house with your dancing.
It was great meeting everyone. And even better partying with everyone.
I gotta say it was nice hangin out yea. Had a blast.
had a blast! certainly was alot of eye candy there....incl. the OP!
Omg bottle service has to happen again
Due hard you left right when the party got started....when I say its boring in VIP....just follow me, lol
Die hard....stupid auto correct
Thanks for telling me how great the party was after I left . At least one person wasn't invited to that party so excuse me if I dont give a shit ! You and Abs can kiss my ass !
Oh hell yes --- VIP was rockin LOL
Die hard you took that wrong...you said it was boring...I was saying you should have stayed longer because the party was just starting
And Maci had on some cute little yes and no drawers -- weee LOL
Dh, you missed one hell of an afterparty. Maci, all i have to say is wow. You were amazing. Best after party yet.
Maybe if the ladies I spent the day talking to and getting to come to the social hadn't just blown me off I wouldn't have found it such a bore ! Oh and homer thanks for calling me 45 min after I left wondering where the fuck I was !