Red lipstick on your collar

oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 05-24-2010, 09:38 PM
Quick, what can be done! I've heard lemon juice but if I had not had a shirt at the cleaners that I could change into I would have been screwed twice in one day(one good ,one bad).

What works for this! Why would you ever wear something that would be so telling?
atlcomedy's Avatar
I can't speak to the laundering issue...

...but if you have a wife and like the matinee, you always need to make like a Boy Scout and "Be Prepared" a minimum that is a spare shirt and pair of underwear. A bottle of Febreze works well, too.

I've know a number of guys that belong to gyms/clubs with shower facilities and make a trip through there after the session. You can't always count on (or want) a shower at her place. Nothing like a good shower to get the smell off of you.
I can't recommend Tide to Go enough for stains or whatever on clothing. But Alt's right. A gym membership would come in really handy if what you have on your or your clothes is perfume instead of lipstick or smeared makeup.
Willen's Avatar
The other emergency procedure is to put something else on the shirt (catsup? assuming red lipstick) to mask the stain. Of course, the shirt becomes more of a write off, but that is better than disclosure.

Or, you can get another shirt and say yours got ripped beyond repair and you discarded it.

Or, a one way ticket to Argentina.
Discard the shirt, if she even notices that its gone, tell her something happend to it at work, lunch, or whatever and it had to be ditched...then from now on, request the providers not to wear make-up...
pyramider's Avatar
No make up . . . The horrors . . . lol
No make up . . . The horrors . . . lol Originally Posted by pyramider
lol point taken...maybe ask the provider if she has pictures of her without makeup?

I don't wear any...not in my pictures or anytime...but I do have one gentleman who requests that I wear it for him, and so I do it with pleasure! Applying it in front of him has become a type of foreplay for us....but otherwise no, and nothing scented...too many married men who have too much to loose.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Just grow a pair. If she notices it, slap her on the ass and say, "OK, Chubby, you're next!"
No make up . . . The horrors . . . lol Originally Posted by pyramider
Okay call me vain, but I tend to wear it whenever I leave the house.

Ladies this lipstick does not come off and lasts for a good 18 hours. SydneyB started me on this expensive, but well worth it lipstick.[*icid]&ecid=
I don't know about lipstick, but I've seen the mixture of baking soda and peroxide work wonders on a multitude of impossible stains. Separate they are common household items that most people wouldn't question you having, but together they create oxygen, which is a powerful whitener. I've also heard that shaving cream works, as well as regular bar soap if used immediately.
This is exactly why I don't even OWN a tube of lipstick! Discretion is a must, not just in our manners but our appearence as well. It may not be as sensual, but I use plain cherry chapstick or maybe some clear gloss for "special occasions".

xoxo Sophie
Learn from this and ALWAYS take an extra shirt with you when you are or even MAY be playing!

Take it from a woman who obsesses over laundry...if I saw a shirt that looked like it had had a stain, I would be equally as suspicious if I saw you had tried to remove it as the original stain to begin with.

I don't care HOW well, you TRY to get a stain like that out, it will be noticeable to a woman's eye! Lucky you for having an "extra" available!

I don't nor have I ever worn makeup since I was in the 7th grade. Well, I dab on a little mascara so my eyes don't get lost in this mop of red hair but that's it.

Dangerous stuff, that makeup!
shooter1a's Avatar
Gather around guys. Snap-on tool box, brand new under the spare tire is just the right size to hold two spare shirts, a spare pair of dark dockers a pair of tittiebar shorts, twelve condoms and a tube of KY.... You know the standard hobby kit.
Now I don't know about your S/O but mine will sit by the side of the road overnight rather than change a flat tire by herself. She believes all tools are the sole providence of men. Sometimes it is frustrating when she will not check her oil and tries to drive with the check engine light on but then I can hide anything in a tool box. You might want to use an old tool box with grime and dirt on the outside but clean inside to further hide your kit.
Works well for me.
pyramider's Avatar
Just grow a pair. If she notices it, slap her on the ass and say, "OK, Chubby, you're next!" Originally Posted by TexTushHog

That's just plain wrong. But for the gents with suicidal tendencies . . .
jdean208's Avatar
I keep a couple of folded shirts from the dry cleaners in my desk, along with a couple of ties. Works for any makeup or scent issue and requires no explanation, since I frequently change into a fresh shirt or tie for business meetings.