Prayers and Apologies

LilRed's Avatar
I just wanted to take a minute to share what's been going on with me. I know that I have been absent from the boards a lot the last few months. Though it is true that some of it has been trips to see SIR, unfortunately, the majority of my absense is not his fault. My best friend was diagnosed with a very rare cancer earlier this year. Due to lack of insurance, she has had to have all her care through the LSU Medical Center in New Orleans. Surgery, Dr visits, bloodwork and here lately, every Tuesday for the last 4 months, we have gone for Chemo. She will soon be starting radiation in the next month which will take 5-6 weeks to complete. It has been a rollercoaster for us both in many ways. The hair loss, the sickness from the chemo, blood clots and self giving shots, not to mention the pain and the emotional breakdowns as well as the time, gas and money spent to go every week. Cancer is a horrible thing that I would not wish on anyone.

As if something like this was not enough to handle, this past month, both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer in the SAME day. They are both having surgery this week. They live in Tenn and are 64 and 68 years old this month (what a birthday present for them right). I will be going up there to help out in any way I can. This is the first of two surgeries my Dad will have to have and reconstructive surgery will be needed for both of them. There is no way to know the extent or future treatments they will have to face until after the surgeries this week have been preformed and more testing is done.

I am writing this for a couple of reasons. First is to ask that you please remember my family and my friend as we go down this horrible, bumpy road. Eccie and it's members have become family to me in this business and your support and prayers are greatly appreciated. Secondly, I would like to apologize to anyone who's PM's, email's, text or phone calls may not have been returned or even returned in a timely manner. I have tried very hard to stay on top of things, but some days I just get behind. For the next week or so, I will be between hospitals and my parents home. There will be a lot of times I will not be checking my LilRed accounts. My phone will be on silent the entire time I am there. I will check it periodically for reference checks, but if all possible, maybe it would be best if you used another reference other than me, or at least give me 24 hrs to respond if you have to use me as one.

In light of all the negativity, I do have the GREAT news of a new bouncing baby boy, my grandson. He will be three weeks old on Tuesday. Amazing how such a beautiful miracle could come in the midst of so much pain and suffering. He too is in Tenn and I know that ALL my spare time will be spent holding him! He was born on my Mother's birthday and his middle name is my Dad's first name.

Thanks again everyone for your patience, prayers and postive thoughts sent my way.

Prayers your way
So sorry to hear this. As a cancer survivor, I know how scary it is. Take care of you and yours, and I'm sending prayers/good thoughts/positive energy/whathaveyou to Tennessee for your Mom and Dad, and all throughout NOLA (and BR?) for your bff.

And congrats on the brand-new grandbaby!! How wonderful that your parents get to know their own great-grandson!
Dear Ms.LilRed:
"And the Peace of God, which passeth ALL understanding, shall keep your Hearts and Minds through Christ Jesus" Philippeans 4:7
I'm blessed to still have both my Parents and would have to be Hospitalized if something should happen to them, sometimes God puts situations in our lives to test us.


DallasRain's Avatar
So sorry to hear of your "trying situations"..... I will keep you in my thoughts as well as your family!

you are an awesome lady and I am proud to know you!

LilRed's Avatar
I was going to leave on Wednesday afternoon but I just pulled up the Tropical Storm tracking and it looks like I may need to leave a LOT sooner.

Thank you everyone for your thoughtful and encouraging words.
God bless you and keep you strong through this. Your grandson is a blessing to love and hold onto. The love of your family and friends will help you get through.
You and your family and your friend are all in my prayers.
Red, my thoughts are with you, your family and your friend.
Prayers and positive energy for your parents and your friend. Cancer is a horrible thing.
My prayers and thoughts are with you I am so blessed to have parents that have health stay safe and may god ride with you
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Stay strong for your family ...

skeeter's Avatar
I will definitely lift you and yours up in prayer ......
When You Are Ready's Avatar
You are a very special person taking care of your friend and parents. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.
hang in there, lovely. you have my personal cell, you can call me anytime
LilRed's Avatar
Thank you to each and every one of you for the beautiful posts, emails and calls. They put a smile on my face at a very needed time.

My Mother has made it through her surgery and the reconstruction as well. She is headed home today. Report is that the cancer has been removed and the healing can begin.

My Dad's first surgery is Friday morning.

In light of the storm, my friends chemo has been cancelled till the 18th which gives me plenty of time to get back home.

I hope all of you are riding out the storm with ease. It sure looks pretty wet. We are even going to get rain up here from it! I love you all,

Thanks again for your prayers and please keep them coming,