Clint Eastwood to Speak at Republican Convention?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It will be a nothing speech; these hollywood celebrites need to shut up about politics (on both sides)...speaking of celebrity outburts, did you hear the latest from the Hollywood left ?
"I think the thing that is most upsetting in the past four years is how partisan they've been in blocking Obama's reforms. All of us should be putting our country first."

Translation: We should let Obama do what Obama wants.....Natalie Portman is an idiot.
Hey he was a mayor....
Gotta love Clint. He doesn't want to be taxed at 35%. Would cut into the multiple-millions he earned last year.
We piled those zipperheads up like cord wood...
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It will be a nothing speech; these hollywood celebrites need to shut up about politics (on both sides)... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Even Reagan?