Michelle Obama Presents Course: 'Supermarket Shopping 101'

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Someone tell Mooche we need jobs to buy groceries. Maybe she's talking to the sofaslobslugs with a Lonestar card. If that's the case, please tell Mooche I'm sorry...
chefnerd's Avatar
Speaking as a food professional(and yes that is exactly what the first half of my id signifies), exactly what part of the shopping tips that basically almost any chef would follow is a joke?(Excluding advice linking the Nevada hookers)
Only trying to save your fat ass kids...
joe bloe's Avatar
Speaking as a food professional(and yes that is exactly what the first half of my id signifies), exactly what part of the shopping tips that basically almost any chef would follow is a joke?(Excluding advice linking the Nevada hookers) Originally Posted by chefnerd
The joke is, that the federal government wants to have it's hands on EVERYTHING. This is just the latest example of the nanny state. Obama wants people to automatically turn to the government for all their needs; he wants people to be dependant on the government. So now, the government is telling us how to buy food. Next, they'll be telling us how to wipe our butts.

After Obamacare is fully implemented, assuming it's not overturned, the federal government will have an excuse to control all sorts of things and compromise our freedom in fundamental ways; Michelle Obama, telling us how to buy food, is not even the tip of the iceberg.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The freedom to be sick, obese, develop diabetes and teach your children how to do it.

That's exactly why we don't need ANY health care coverage.

You're right sloe joe. We don't need nobody telling us how much lard to put in our breakfast cereal.

The nerve of some people.
The joke is, that the federal government wants to have it's hands on EVERYTHING. This is just the latest example of the nanny state. Obama wants people to automatically turn to the government for all their needs; he wants people to be dependant on the government. So now, the government is telling us how to buy food. Next, they'll be telling us how to wipe our butts.

After Obamacare is fully implemented, assuming it's not overturned, the federal government will have an excuse to control all sorts of things and compromise our freedom in fundamental ways; Michelle Obama, telling us how to buy food, is not even the tip of the iceberg. Originally Posted by joe bloe
People being stupid results in government intervention.
ForumPoster's Avatar
People being stupid results in government intervention. Originally Posted by ekim008
People usually have the government they deserve ..