Trade or Not to Trade (what a question)

Helicopter206's Avatar
I have a question. I had a provider ask me to order her some massage oil and lotion, the really good stuff. She told me we would do a trade for the products. I informed her of the cost before I placed the order. She told me that was fine, it was an even trade. Plus I was going to make up the difference in cash. She had no problems at all with the deal. Now for some reason she won’t return my text’s or call’s to confirm a day or time for the trade. She is the one that told me to place the order. What do you guys think about this deal? Was I wrong to make a deal with her? I have seen her three times; but this was the first time she asked me to do this for her. I have been doing this for other girls and they seem to like it a lot. I am like their little warehouse. I feel a little down that someone would do something like this. When this was done in good faith on my part, Do you like hand lotion or baby oil being used during a massage or would you want the real stuff. The cheap hand lotion or baby oil stuff can make your skin break out really bad or mess up your clothes. So I am asking again what do you think? Thanks for your time. She is a member / provider on this site, so I'm sure she will be hearing about this very soon.
So how she stating she never wanted or ordered it from me, that I did it on my own just to make a trade. I don't think so she wanted Biotone and that stuff isn't cheap. Now she won't even pay for it, I just want what it cost me.
Girls and their drama.
So next time see who is using hand lotion or baby oil on you. They might be this person.
Here we go, again. Another "poor me...bad provider story", with no mention of the provider's name. Other than she is on this site.

Come on guys....if you feel you have been wronged either....

1) handle the situation off the board or (which would be my suggestion, many of the times)

2) If you feel strongly enough to post on the board, either do it in the ML or here...but don't beat around the bush by making a post, but not stating who the provider is.

Yes this site is about sharing if you feel a situation needs to be shared, without question thanks for sharing. But IMO, do it in the appropriate forum, lay out all the facts, including handles.

Otherwise, IMO, all these type of posts just sound whiney to me.
Who refused to see you on the Plaza a while back, or a new one ? 10 bad reviews out of 12 posted, I assume you are a man, but "drama queen" kinda fits too !
Girls and their drama? Have you taken a look in the mirror? This post has drama written all over it.

I agree with VK, but even then is it worth to post her name? Hell, was it even worth it to make this post?

Its massage products (I'm assuming from your post) and why on earth you'd purchase them for her after seeing her only three times is beyond me. Even if it was a trade. If she's running a business, she should have the needed products. If she doesn't, that's her problem and no one else's.

As for cheap massage products and them causing breakouts, etc......take your own when getting a massage. I do and my massage chick has no problem with it because I have sensative skin.
True dat, Ms regards to this specific post!!!..

Most of my above post, was geared more to future posts regarding "poor me" postings, but not naming handles...just "she is a member of this site" kind of stuff

And like you stated...does the subject even need to be posted, or another option would be handling certain situations completely off the board.
... So I am asking again what do you think? ... Originally Posted by Helicopter206

You asked for advice so I'll be glad to contribute. I'm going to assume you really want it; further, I'm going to assume (against some evidence to the contrary) that you've got enough backbone to tolerate it.

I'm an ardent defender of anyone who has been wronged. There are plenty of mean-spirited people in this world and you will undoubtedly run across them from time to time. We all do. Even in our businesses, we sell to people who won't pay. That's why we have AGED RECEIVABLES and DUNNING LETTERS in business. It's part of the schtick. But there are certain individuals who don't tolerate receivables well. When people owe them money, they can't sleep at night. Thoughts of revenge consume them and they have no ability to understand that the other accounts must be priced to adsorb the bad ones. In essence, the one bad account robs them of the joy of doing business. We usually recommend those people refrain from entrepreneurship.

Similarly, don't you think you should find another hobby? I mean, have you seen what percentage of your reviews are "no's?" Have you read your own posts? Friend, with all due respect, you're in the wrong place, saying the wrong things, expecting the wrong treatment, and feeling the wrong things.

We hope you can stay and participate but I'm concerned that your expectations of the users of this board will constantly render you dissatisfied.

All the best,

Helicopter206's Avatar
I have met some wonderful people on here and in the local area. I always ask before I post anything about a provider. I was told what goes on between the provider and the client is their business and no one else’s. So I leave it at that. That is way I have so many no’s on my reviews. The good ones want to stay UTR. While others like the reviews. They have their reasons and I abide by their rules, and what they say, because I want to get a return visit.
Sorry if this all seems like drama. I came up with the idea of the lotion, because of what she was using and she told me to place the order. I have the account already set up and she didn’t have to worry about a thing. She does a great job at what she loves to do. I am not saying any bad about the service at all.

Maybe I should become the Shoe or TV guy... LOL
I found some cheap knock of handbags anyone game for a trade… just joking…
Thanks everyone
BobInKC's Avatar
Why don't you just return it? And if you can't there's ebay and CL.

And tell her to get fucked. Why are you still pursuing this? I'd say they seem to see you coming a mile away.
Why don't you just return it? And if you can't there's ebay and CL.

And tell her to get fucked. Why are you still pursuing this? I'd say they seem to see you coming a mile away. Originally Posted by BobInKC
Outstanding, BobinKC...sometimes the simplest moves, are the smartest moves
Or to put it a different way...Common sense, just ain't so common any more!
AllThisMeat's Avatar
Just saw your post... sorry to hear things didn't work out well and you haven't heard from your provider friend. From my understanding, shit happens. Sometimes there is a reason women stop talking to someone in particular and they don't feel comfortable telling that person what the reason is. Other times, the reason has nothing to do with you... it is just their life getting busy.

As far as drama--drama is how you respond to things which happen in your life, not what happens itself or who is involved.

I think the people above gave you some good advice. If you are feeling like you're getting the short end of the stick, simply return the product and cut your losses. Use the remaining money on having a good time with one of your other UTR favorites.
If your budget is so tight you can't eat the cost of some lotion (which has to be under 200 if there would still have been a difference to pay her) get another hobby.
If your budget is so tight you can't eat the cost of some lotion (which has to be under 200 if there would still have been a difference to pay her) get another hobby. Originally Posted by Lovely_Lilianna

What is IDGAF
IDGAF = I don't give a fuck.
DILLIGAF I like that one ...
bartipero's Avatar
Seriously, Dude? After seeing the other thread attempting a trade for a gallon of this stuff, my take is she was kidding, sarcastic or telling you what you wanted to hear; and brother, you've been had. Just be glad you didn't order a standard oil barrel full of the stuff. Try painting your deck with it or donate it to a hospital and deduct it.