Recently I watched Larry Wilmore’s TV show on Race, Religion, and Sex. The show was filmed in Salt Lake City in front of a Mormon audience. During the show it was pointed out that the LDS Church has rigid rules about sex before marriage. As a result, some Mormons engage in a process they call, ‘floating’. Apparently, floating is having intercourse without moving. Everything is the same, but the participants stay still and just make out! For some odd reason, they don't think this counts as actual sex!
So, a few days ago I decided to try a little floating with one of my favorite providers. As it turns out I have participated in "floating" in the past but didn't know it. Now I realize I am floating whenever I say "Hey baby, I'm getting a cramp. I need to rest for awhile".
I guess it can also be argued that some women have been floating for years and also didn't know it. Their husbands just call it a lack of passion and effort.