Nursing home sex

cinderbella's Avatar
An elderly, wheelchair bound man and woman would meet behind the potted palms for some hanky panky in the nursing home lounge.

One day, the elderly woman looked around for her partner and he was nowhere to be found. She scoped out the room and found him behind the potted palms WITH ANOTHER WOMAN!

Tearfully, she wheeled over to them and confronted him- asking, "What does SHE have that I dooon't???"

The elderly man thought about it for a moment and replied, "Parkinsons!"
Sweet N Little's Avatar
LOL Cinderbella..

Ouch! It is funnier when she asks her ex-suitor WHY he's fallen for the new girl and he replies first that the "new" girlfriend will hold his "Willie" during the movie in the cafeteria. The spurned woman then says, "Well, I can do that, too." He replies that he's made his decision on staying with the new girlfriend at which point the jilted lover asks "what does she have that I don't?" Of course you got the punchline of Parkinson's disease. Jokes are always funnier when you don't have to go back and explain a part that is left out. Still a CLASSIC, though, cinderbella! Thanks for making me remember that one.
Love the cartoon, SnL!