Clinton On Fire

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Bill Clinton is on stage right now (9-5-12) talking his strong talk on National Television.

The funny thing is that the same time, I get an email from whom? Well, of course, it's from Bill Clinton himself!

. . . The man is a born salesman and speaks in stereo!

Fag. LOL
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Fag? Because I disagree.

That's like your standard accusation, of what you don't understand, isn't it? I probably get more pussy in a week than you do in a month.

. . . President Obama really needs Clinton to promote him and it's like a play. I find that interesting.
The GOP does not have a similar advocate for their party.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Clinton gets more than you do, FastGoon. I'll bet he's having a great time at the convention. Ask Juanita Broderick how much fun he can be.
Fag? Because I disagree.

That's like your standard accusation, of what you don't understand, isn't it? I probably get more pussy in a week than you do in a month.

. . . President Obama really needs Clinton to promote him and it's like a play. I find that interesting.
The GOP does not have a similar advocate for their party.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
It's not my standard response. It's just what I said to you this time. Next time I might call you fruit loop.

If Clinton makes your ass wet. More power to you BRO.
joe bloe's Avatar
Bill Clinton is a total degenerate and a genuinely evil person. He is the perfect spokesman for the Demonrat Party.

"Clinton on fire" is very likely to be Bill's permanent condition in a few years.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
He probably does, old geezer, but what does that have to with anything?

He probably has more offers than he can service.

. . . I have noticed that a guy on a stage with a strong message tends to attract chicks!

Clinton gets more than you do, Fast Gunn. I'll bet he's having a great time at the convention. Ask Juanita Broderick how much fun he can be. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And if he doesn't attract them, he forces himself on them. As Juanita Broderick. A true defender of women's rights. Hypocrisy on parade at the Democrat Convention.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Great speech by Clint- best line: "No President- not even my Predecessors could have fixed the problems..."
That statement is so true- Reagan didn't Fix Carter's problems in 4 years- it took him 2 terms and for the record- compare every economic stat from 2008/2009 in terms of GDP- the U.S financially is doing far better- Romney and his camp can forget about using the tired old borrowed slogan:"Are you better off than 4 years ago" because most people/business are doing better than 2008!!!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Former President Bill Clinton's remarks to the Democratic National Convention, as prepared for delivery. Clinton veered from these prepared remarks multiple times throughout his speech.
We're here to nominate a President, and I've got one in mind.
I want to nominate a man whose own life has known its fair share of adversity and uncertainty. A man who ran for President to change the course of an already weak economy and then just six weeks before the election, saw it suffer the biggest collapse since the Great Depression. A man who stopped the slide into depression and put us on the long road to recovery, knowing all the while that no matter how many jobs were created and saved, there were still millions more waiting, trying to feed their children and keep their hopes alive.
I want to nominate a man cool on the outside but burning for America on the inside. A man who believes we can build a new American Dream economy driven by innovation and creativity, education and cooperation. A man who had the good sense to marry Michelle Obama.
I want Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States and I proudly nominate him as the standard bearer of the Democratic Party.
In Tampa, we heard a lot of talk about how the President and the Democrats don't believe in free enterprise and individual initiative, how we want everyone to be dependent on the government, how bad we are for the economy.
The Republican narrative is that all of us who amount to anything are completely self-made. One of our greatest Democratic Chairmen, Bob Strauss, used to say that every politician wants you to believe he was born in a log cabin he built himself, but it ain't so.
We Democrats think the country works better with a strong middle class, real opportunities for poor people to work their way into it and a relentless focus on the future, with business and government working together to promote growth and broadly shared prosperity. We think "we're all in this together" is a better philosophy than "you're on your own."
Who's right? Well since 1961, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24. In those 52 years, our economy produced 66 million private sector jobs. What's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 million!
It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good economics, because discrimination, poverty and ignorance restrict growth, while investments[Partial only]. Board limits.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We have to consider the source. A proven, convicted liar.
joe bloe's Avatar
Great speech by Clint- best line: "No President- not even my Predecessors could have fixed the problems..."
That statement is so true- Reagan didn't Fix Carter's problems in 4 years- it took him 2 terms and for the record- compare every economic stat from 2008/2009 in terms of GDP- the U.S financially is doing far better- Romney and his camp can forget about using the tired old borrowed slogan:"Are you better off than 4 years ago" because most people/business are doing better than 2008!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Obama has violated the first rule of holes; stop digging. Adding an additional six trillion to the national debt is a disaster.

Obama has made things far worse than they were when he took over. Massive deficit spending can prop up employment and produce anemic growth for a short period, but the long term price is far too high.

If Obama is re-elected and he continues with his Keynesian economic strategy, the dollar will be worthless in four more years. It will take decades to recover, if we ever do.
Bill Clinton is on stage right now (9-5-12) talking his strong talk on National Television.

The funny thing is that the same time, I get an email from whom? Well, of course, it's from Bill Clinton himself!

. . . The man is a born salesman and speaks in stereo!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
This thread makes you appear gay.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Obama has violated the first rule of holes; stop digging. Adding an additional six trillion to the national debt is a disaster.

Obama has made things far worse than they were when he took over. Massive deficit spending can prop up employment and produce anemic growth for a short period, but the long term price is far too high.

If Obama is re-elected and he continues with his Keynesian economic strategy, the dollar will be worthless in four more years. It will take decades to recover, if we ever do. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Riddle me this- name any county any economy where the ruler/leader/President was handed a disaster and did not have to spend money to fix it??? Hmmmm how much money did Reagan spend????? So tell me WTF would have McCain done had he been President- are you saying he would not have had to spend money based on the circumstances?
You act like Obama walked in with a huge surplus and spent money for no reason at all- this wasn't the year 2000 where George Dubyah walked in with a surplus and a booming economy and 8 years later fucked it up- You Joe Bloe and every Republican are in denial that the economy was FUBAR and yet you blame Obama for not fixing George Bush's shit in 4 years????
Riddle me this- tell me what was wrong with any one component of Obama's Job bill that he proposed over year ago in which the Republicans didn't want to pass- the Bill had ideas that the GOP had proposed- are you telling me that it's a bad idea to employ thousand of people to fix the U.S infrastructure which is in great need of repairs- however the GOP blocked that bill because had they passed any portion of the bill- the UE rate goes down and it makes it that much harder to defeat Obama- I am sorry but when you put politic first above people's live I lose respect for your party.

Here is what was proposed in the bill Joe- tell me which ones were bad:

Cutting and suspending $245 billion worth of payroll taxes for qualifying employers and 160 million medium to low income employees.
Spending $62 billion for a Pathways Back to Work Program for expanding opportunities for low-income youth and adults.
$49 billion - Extending unemployment benefits for up to 6 million long-term beneficiaries.
$8 billion - Jobs tax credit for the long term unemployed.
$5 billion - Pathways back to work fund.[15]
Spending $50 billion on both new & pre-existing infrastructure projects.
Spending $35 billion in additional funding to protect the jobs of teachers, police officers, and firefighters
Spending $30 billion to modernize at least 35,000 public schools and community colleges.
Spending $15 billion on a program that would hire construction workers to help rehabilitate and refurbishing hundreds of thousands of foreclosed homes and businesses.
Creating the National Infrastructure Bank (capitalized with $10 billion), originally proposed in 2007, to help fund infrastructure via private and public capital.
Creating a nationwide, interoperable wireless network for public safety, while expanding accessibility to high-speed wireless services.
Creating additional regulations on businesses who discriminate against hiring those who are long-term unemployed.
Loosening regulations on small businesses that wish to raise capital, including through crowdfunding, while retaining investor protections.
joe bloe's Avatar
This thread makes you appear gay. Originally Posted by acp5762
Why should this thread be any different than all the rest?