Jobs ... did you say JOBS?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-07-2012, 04:03 PM

During the 2010 mid-terms the GOP campaigned fiercely on the platform of job creation and, as a result of such promises, the GOP gained the majority in the House of Representatives. As the new Speaker of the House, John Boehner made the welcome claim that the primary goal of the Republican Party was to increase employment in the U.S.

His exact words were: "We're going to have a relentless focus on creating jobs."

sure you did, all of you did ... so where are the fucking jobs you promised?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-07-2012, 05:29 PM
gee, all of a sudden jobs must not be that important.

imagine that.
Boehner and McConnell are working hard at OBSTRUCTING Obama's jobs initiatives and even ones they once supported. Unseating a President by introducing 31 'repeal Obamacare' bills and threatening to filibuster meaningful jobs bills to repay your corporate donors, banksters and Wall Street cheats is very hard "work".
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, +96K ain't much, but - wait - it's better than -770,000 PER month.
Profit levels / balance sheets are at all time highs.

Why would a business want to hire more people?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-07-2012, 06:51 PM
Profit levels / balance sheets are at all time highs.

Why would a business want to hire more people? Originally Posted by Submodo

so a white knight can swoop in, take over the company, fire more people , sell off and make a couple of million in the process ???
That's a case for merger/aquisition etc...

But if I'm XYZ corp, and my profits and cash on hand today is higher than 7 years ago when UE was 5%, why do I want the UE rate to go back to 5%?
Profit levels / balance sheets are at all time highs.

Why would a business want to hire more people? Originally Posted by Submodo
You are right! That is what the banksters and Wall Street Casino Players have done to the old business model where we used to make things and sell them,
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Profit levels / balance sheets are at all time highs.

Why would a business want to hire more people? Originally Posted by Submodo
They will expand and hire more people if demand increases. But a guy who is $75K underwater on his mortgage and/or unemployed isn't likely to go out and buy a bunch of nonessential stuff.

8% unemployment just might be the new norm. In the next few years this might change if more baby boomers retire than youngsters enter the workforce. Also we need to identify the culprits who are sending all the jobs overseas and hurt them with our wallets and pocketbooks.

I've already boycotted Walgreen's for outsourcing all their medical records work. We have plenty of capable Americans who can do that work.
Close, but

They will expand and hire more people if the act of bringing these new hires onboard brings in more revenue than they have to pay these new people.

For many (most?) firms today, there are many, many better ways of increasing revenue than hiring American workers.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Well of course they're not gonna hire three people at $60K a year each if profits only increase $100K. That didn't need to be said...duh...
Yeah you're right, try this.

We have the right number of jobs. We just have too many people.

That needed to be said.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

We have the right number of jobs. We just have too many people.

That needed to be said. Originally Posted by Submodo


Sounds like Will Rogers logic.
cptjohnstone's Avatar