Best sides of town to stay on in... El Paso, Lubbock, and Amarillo
I usually stay down townif I don't know what the best part of town to stay on..... But in this case I though I would ask. What are the best sides of town to stay on in El Paso, Lubbock, and Amarillo? Thanks so much for your in put.
I would suggest the Eastside near the airport for El Paso.
I prefer the West side in EP but then I am partial :P Coming from Las Cruces the West side is easier/quicker more so with all the construction down East. Last time I went down to EP for some fun got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic for about 20-30 min down by Geronimo. I understand East side for the Air Port though...
For El Paso, east side hands down. Talk to other providers. Staying on the west side deters a lot of potential hobbyists.
In Lubbock there is not really a "side" to stay on. Good hotels are found along Ave Q (which would be assumed as downtown) between 4th and 10th street on the north side of the street; along Marsha Sharp Frwy just past the medical area; far south end of I-27; and then along the south and west side of the Loop. The only truly "bad" areas of Lubbock don't have any motels that you would stay in.
Amarillo is usually best along I-40 or Business I-40 west of Georgia St. There are a couple on the south side of town along I-27 and a few east of I-27 on I-40 but the south I-27 ones are not convient and the e I-40 ones are not as safe.
I am here in Lubbock is there a good place that isnt expensive but not dierty I am a very clean lady
Totally agree with the assessment of Amarillo by Crypt - West of Georgia on I-40 is the best choice - many to choose from.