Another Hollywood Legend Dies...

MsKristine's Avatar
Mr. Easy Rider...Dennis Hopper dies at 74.

For the span of 50 years, did some wonderful movies, great actor and played the Villain perfectly. RIP
Sad to see us lose such a talented star. While he was best known as the star of Easy Rider and as a villian, I thought his best performance was in Hoosiers.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Now there was one guy you'd expect to die from other than natural causes.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
The well-dressed fuckin' man in Blue Velvet. Play "In Dreams".
The_Leopard's Avatar

Speed and Super Mario Bros. He is a good actor. Easy Rider and Apocalypse Now
gman44's Avatar

even though he played a bad guy this Speed was my favorite performance from him
Water World!! He was the head Smoker!!
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
It's funny how, despite never meeting the man in person, the news of his passing affects me on an emotional level. I'm a fan of his work, so it's hard to believe he's no longer with us. Here's to you, Hopper: choo choo... choo choo, baby.
A great actor he was not. Just one of many character actors boucing around LA since the fifties, since Giant.

He would never have thought of himself as a great actor, but just a lucky guy who had the good fortune to work with other actors who were great.

It just goes to show you that the vast majority of working actors who make millions are not leading men or women, but just plain-looking character actors who show up on time and work hard so they can finish up, and then fall completely apart and go to total shit later, usually because of drugs and alchohol.