Israel Science And Technology: Long-Form Birth Certificate of Obama is a Forged Document

SEE3772's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well you can't argue with science and science is something that all democrats believe in.
joe bloe's Avatar
My guess is the document is a fake. No Republican of any prominance will take any action, even if they were convinced it was fake.

The Democrats have successfully smeared, any one who questions the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate, as a kook to such an extent that no one will pursue the issue any further.

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
Saul Alinsky
matchingmole's Avatar
Yeah...the document is fake, 911 was a conspiracy, Neil Armstrong never walked on the moon and Al Gore invented the internets.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You didn't even read it did you?
joe bloe's Avatar
He was told to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. He's just doing as he was told. Some people are willing to pretend it's raining when they're getting pissed on.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I read it.
What a novel idea! Blow it up to 800%! No one has ever thought to do that before!

You want it to be true so fucking bad!
Glad to burst your bubble here.

Hey everyone. We have 2 birthers here. Both hiding in plain sight. This explains all their wacky posts.

All that it takes for your stupid, moronic, dumbfuck, douche-baggean, etc., etc., therory to be true is the fact no republican will call Obama out. No republican is brave enough.

And since your parents won't tell you, I will.

There is no SANTA CLAUS!!! There is no EASTER BUNNY!!!
You didn't even read it did you? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
matchingmole's Avatar
I didn't read it...not enough time when I'm getting a nice BBBJ from a cute as hell spinner in a few.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I didn't read it...not enough time when I'm getting a nice BBBJ from a cute as hell spinner in a few. Originally Posted by matchingmole
Don't waste your time reading it. Like most murder/mysteries end, the birther did it
I will readily admit, of all of the different elements of the Far Right Wing-Nut side of the Republicant Party, my favorite are the Birthers! They contribute more than any other group toward keeping the American electorate grounded!

Keep up the good work boyz and girlz!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-12-2012, 05:56 AM
Yeah...the document is fake, 911 was a conspiracy, Neil Armstrong never walked on the moon and Al Gore invented the internets. Originally Posted by matchingmole
joe blow , JD and any other birthers must never have offspring if our country is to have any chance.

My God the birther movement has spread to Israel,no wonder he wouldn't meet with the PM...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You are really that stupid aren't you? You want to disqualify someone by calling them names like good little Alinskyites but you miss the point on purpose. Let me make it very simple and clear anyone reading this; the so-called birther movement was an invention of the Hillary Clinton campaign. Their claim was that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This is something completely different. It became obvious with the dissembling of the Obama administration on the simple task of showing verified copy of his birth certificate. There have been questions about this release since it appeared. Nothing new has been added but this thread is bringing attention to the same facts. IT DOES NOT SAY OR IMPLY THAT OBAMA WAS BORN ANYWHERE OTHER THAN THE UNITED STATES like some idiots here claimed. It does ask the question where is the real birth certificate? I have one, you have one, why isn't the President of the United States unable to get his hands on one.
Sheriff Joe's "Birther Bash" scheduled for later this month, dies for lack of interest and ticket sales.


Joe Arpaio ‘birther bash’ cancelled
By KEVIN ROBILLARD | 9/12/12 7:54 AM EDT

After years and years of fact-checking and debunking, there’s finally something that could kill the birther movement: low ticket sales.

Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio and singer Pat Boone were scheduled to headline a “birther bash” later this month in Phoenix, but on Tuesday, the Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots canceled the event, ABC News reports, because of poor ticket sales. Tickets cost between $10 and $30, and the event was scheduled for a 2,650-seat theater.

While organizers apologized “for any inconvenience,” they also wished to “assure everyone the work on this issue will continue and the call for a congressional investigation into the fraudulent documents produced by the current administration will be pursued in earnest,” according to a website for the event.

Birthers falsely believe President Barack Obama was born outside the United States and isn’t eligible to President.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 09-12-2012, 09:32 AM
I had to show a birth certificate and SS card to get my job. Maybe that should apply to all of us?