Does The Apple EVER Fall Far From The Tree?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Not that I'm overly concerned, mind you.

The quote out of Blind Side [spoken by Sandra Bullock]: "And where does the acorn fall?"

Farmers talk about the "low-hanging fruit." "Easy pickins" as it were; but still under the tree.

Now, whether or not the analogy is correct...that's a different story.
pyramider's Avatar
My company has a client whose dad took us for several million dollars years ago. The client swore up and down he does not know how dad conducted his business and he believes in doing right. What to guess how much we are having to charge off on the son?

The fruit does not fall from the tree.
Fortunately and unfortunately , I don’t think the fruit falls far from the tree. I have noticed that the saying is usually applied to negative behavior though.
I think the fruit either falls directly under the tree or rolls down the hill, across the bridge, up yet another hill and plants itself as far from the tree as it possibly can.
garlandBone's Avatar
garlandBone's Avatar
there is the occasional tornado...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I think the fruit either falls directly under the tree or rolls down the hill, across the bridge, up yet another hill and plants itself as far from the tree as it possibly can. Originally Posted by tylorblake
Or, the little bird eats the fruited seed from the tree and poops somewhere else where the fruit begins to grow. Does that analogy work? I like what you suggested, tylorblake!!!

Elisabeth (Man, my new topics the past few weeks have been lame. And I thought people would get REALLY excited about limericks and fruit!)
I think the fruit either falls directly under the tree or rolls down the hill, across the bridge, up yet another hill and plants itself as far from the tree as it possibly can. Originally Posted by tylorblake
I agree 100%.

The kid either wants to be just LIKE their parents or NOTHING like them at ASLL.

I think the fruit either falls directly under the tree or rolls down the hill, across the bridge, up yet another hill and plants itself as far from the tree as it possibly can. Originally Posted by tylorblake
Or, the little bird eats the fruited seed from the tree and poops somewhere else where the fruit begins to grow. Does that analogy work? I like what you suggested, tylorblake!!! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
OK, it's been some years since I read James Michener's Hawaii. If I recall correctly, it takes him somewhere between 100 and 150 pages to describe how foliage in Tahiti wound up in Hawaii. In essence, birds, wind, tides, currents, etc., are all involved (again, if I remember correctly).

This is one case where the fruit wound up a long way from the tree.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
My wife is one of three children.

One is a dark-haired, fundamentalist minister who denounces evolution and was a fund-raiser for McCain/Palin.

One is blond-haired atheist with a graduate degree in genetics who went door-to-door for Obama/Biden.

The other one is a brown-haired dentist who only goes to church on Easter and Christmas and didn't vote in 2008.

The fruit falls where it wants to.

The real question is who fertilized the tree.

My wife is one of three children. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
I take it your wife the the dark-haired, fundamentalist minister.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Don't know about the apple & the tree. LOL...ask me about the peach....

My son is much more like his mother. Very quiet & laid back. But, underneath that....very strong... a battler all of his life... He really is a GOOD man. I'm very proud of him!

My daughter, OTOH, is extremely aggressive & brash. But, if you push back, not all that tough... She's been a real snot, of late. Quite a disappointment, actually....
pyramider's Avatar
I understand the daughter issue. Not a fun position for you.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I take it your wife the the dark-haired, fundamentalist minister. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I'm betting it's the blond with the graduate studies in genetics. But what do I know?
