Cell Phone Tower Down :-( TaylorBliss

TaylorBliss's Avatar
Well apparently my local Sprint cell phone tower is out of service, so I've been without text or voice while at home. It works fine if i go to another area grrrrrr. If you want to get in touch with me please use the PM function on here. Hopefully they get it up and running soon *crossing fingers*
Call Sprint, ask for a Retention Specialist, explain the situation and ask them to send you (at no charge) an Airave device. You plug that into your high speed Internet at home and it creates a femtocell, allowing you to use your Sprint phone as a VOIP device. Never shall you be without cell service again.



- Jackie
love2fishfork's Avatar
I have an Airave and it's great! However Sprint is going through a major upgrade to 4G LTE in KC so expect your service to improve drastically soon.
TaylorBliss's Avatar
Back up and running, fortunately. Only a day and a half out of service, but still annoying. Thanks for the tip Jackie, that might be better than using cell service from my apartment building anyway, as the building doesn't have the best reception at times.