Unlimited QE + 103% Debt To GDP & Growing... Hyperstaginflation Is Virtually Assured

SEE3772's Avatar
TexTushHog's Avatar
Inflation guaranteed? That's why bond yields went through the roof this week, right? Oh. . ., they didn't??!! Nevermind.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
More proof that TTH has no understanding of economics.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
At least my house will go up in value.....or will it? Is "value" the right word?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Look at the latest reports on inflation. These are even with the dummied up numbers the government uses to rip off SS recipients..
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-15-2012, 09:13 AM

all of a sudden someone is worried about SS recipients
SEE3772's Avatar
At least my house will go up in value.....or will it? Is "value" the right word? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
With a debased currency??? Keep your eyes on the Case Shiller Housing Index.
SEE3772's Avatar
Look at the latest reports on inflation. These are even with the dummied up numbers the government uses to rip off SS recipients.. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
...and social security does not add in the food and energy inflation to the (CPI) Consumer Price Index. The two items most people spend money on.
Continuous Commodity Index: Keep Your Eyes On This
SEE3772's Avatar
Inflation guaranteed? That's why bond yields went through the roof this week, right? Oh. . ., they didn't??!! Nevermind. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
What do you think the Credit Default Swaps are for?

TREASURIES-Prices plunge as Fed pushes buyers out of bonds
joe bloe's Avatar
At least my house will go up in value.....or will it? Is "value" the right word? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I wonder how many wheelbarrows full of Duetschmarks it took to buy a house in Weimar Germany.

Pretty soon, we'll all be billionaires. I think Obama's picture should be on the first billion dollar bill. We will be needing those very soon, if this clown is re-elected.
SEE3772's Avatar
I wonder how many wheelbarrows full of Duetschmarks it took to buy a house in Weimar Germany.

Pretty soon, we'll all be billionaires. I think Obama's picture should be on the first billion dollar bill. We will be needing those very soon, if this clown is re-elected. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Presidents do not control the economy... congress, etc etc etc.
The Federal Reserve does, 100%
Presidents and Congress only react to FED monetary policy and actions.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I like this better