Romney Lagging In Swing States

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, it looks like Romney is lagging in the vital swing states that he must win if he's to remain a viable candidate.

What do you suppose the the reason for this?

. . . Is it just because he sucks?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-14-2012, 04:57 PM
rassssssssssmussen confirmed it

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I haven't seen anything like this since Carter beat Reagan in 1980 unless you count the Kerry victory of 2004.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Oh, I get it, you're just being sarcastic.

I suppose when your man is rapidly going down the toilet and you have no ammunition to counter the facts or anyway to spin the dismal facts then you must resort to sarcasm!

. . . Do you find that satisfying?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Carter and Kerry both lead at this point. What happened?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-14-2012, 06:44 PM
I haven't seen anything like this since Carter beat Reagan in 1980 unless you count the Kerry victory of 2004. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
lol that was kinda funny good one jd
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Those were unfortunate circumstances in our history, but which have no relevance to the political environment today.

The Iran hostage situation weakened Carter down to the point that Reagan was able to defeat him. The fact that Ted Kennedy was a poor loser and did nothing to help Carter only exacerbated a bad situation.

Kerry was a far superior candidate to Bush, but he was surprised by the Swift Boat ads and Dick Cheney shamelessly put fear in the sheep by intimating that "we could get hit again" if Bush was not in the White House had more effect than even I expected.

The situation today is that President Obama has learned from those mishaps and has already diffused their potential by taking out Osama Bin Laden and being prepared for nasty tricks from the GOP.

. . . Is that all you've got?

Carter and Kerry both lead at this point. What happened? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Put a fork in him. This is long past convention bounce folks. Romney is history. Hope he's wearing his magic underwear.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
magic underwear?

. . . Are those the bright yellow ones with the cartoon characters?

Put a fork in him. This is long past convention bounce folks. Romney is history. Hope he's wearing his magic underwear. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
cptjohnstone's Avatar
magic underwear?

. . . Are those the bright yellow ones with the cartoon characters?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I hear you were at the DNC
TexTushHog's Avatar
Bad week for Romney. No way around that fact.

Anybody want to take me up on my bet? All the crowing about the Middle East? Or is that just whistling past the grave yard?
Bad week for Romney. No way around that fact.

Anybody want to take me up on my bet? All the crowing about the Middle East? Or is that just whistling past the grave yard? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
All of the Bloehard Repubes on this board seem to be all talk and no action. To a person they bloeviate repeatedly about how Obama will lose but other than Budman (who I do not consider to be one of the radicals) none have (openly) agreed to put their money where their mouth is.

I followed up one of Whirly's ridiculous remarks with a 5 benji challenge and he "cut and run" faster than he could say he doesn't have the balls to bet on a sure loser like Mitt Gaffeney.

I have to give the idiot bloeviators credit. If I were them I would not bet on Mitt Gaffeney either. Apparently they are a "little smarter" than they appear.

Disclaimor: A "little smarter" but not by much!
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you all read this "stuff" ... or still just grab the headlines?

"A Washington Post-ABC News poll this week shows Obama leading Romney among registered voters by 50 percent to 44 percent, although the margin narrows to 49 percent to 48 percent among likely voters."

IMO I have a lot more than $500 riding on the outcome of the upcoming election.

Two fundamental questions: What was the poll? When was it taken?

As for Ohio ... IMO ... Kerry was scheduled to make an election day stop there on the way back to Boston from the West, but passed over Ohio based on the "exit" poll returns that his "people" on the ground were monitoring. He was headed to his victory party ...... so one can take polls ... and ..... well, you know.

If Romney were "leading" in the polls ... I would not feel comfortable ... unless it was in the 15% range ... across the board.

"....the margin narrows to 49 percent to 48 percent among likely voters."

Well within the margin of error! Or is this "any port in a storm"?
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I haven't seen anything like this since Carter beat Reagan in 1980 unless you count the Kerry victory of 2004. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Shoot first...aim later
Bad week for Romney. No way around that fact.

Anybody want to take me up on my bet? All the crowing about the Middle East? Or is that just whistling past the grave yard? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
All of the Bloehard Repubes on this board seem to be all talk and no action. To a person they bloeviate repeatedly about how Obama will lose but other than Budman (who I do not consider to be one of the radicals) none have (openly) agreed to put their money where their mouth is.

I followed up one of Whirly's ridiculous remarks with a 5 benji challenge and he "cut and run" faster than he could say he doesn't have the balls to bet on a sure loser like Mitt Gaffeney.

I have to give the idiot bloeviators credit. If I were them I would not bet on Mitt Gaffeney either. Apparently they are a "little smarter" than they appear.

Disclaimor: A "little smarter" but not by much! Originally Posted by bigtex

Given the Repukes attempts at stopping people from voting and making it harder, taking away early voting days, etc., it would not surprise me if they cheated big time in this election to win at all costs.

I just hope that the President and his administration are prepared for the dirty bag of tricks they are willing to use when the votes are in.