Map of Anti American Protests Worldwide

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Let's recap, via the Washington Post:

Anti-U.S. demonstrations spread to Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Britain, East Jerusalem, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Pakistan, Qatar, Syria, Turkey, the West Bank and Yemen.
TUNISIA - American school destroyed.
SUDAN - German Embassy set ablaze. Thousands gathered at US Embassy.
The Arab Spring has turned into a major blunder by the Obama administration.

Meanwhile as the slain US Embassy workers were coming home in coffins, Obama tweets a link to purchase his sweatshirt. And in Tahrir Square, a four foot poster vandalizes the embassy with the words "Take Care America, We Have 1.5 Billion Bin Ladens".

I know there are lots of reasons to vote against Romney, but I can't think of one damn reason to vote FOR Obama. His "phone it in" Presidency is destroying this country.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
All those countries, it is just a coincidence. Nothing to see here.
waverunner234's Avatar
Let's recap, via the Washington Post:

Anti-U.S. demonstrations spread to Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Britain, East Jerusalem, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Pakistan, Qatar, Syria, Turkey, the West Bank and Yemen.
TUNISIA - American school destroyed.
SUDAN - German Embassy set ablaze. Thousands gathered at US Embassy.
The Arab Spring has turned into a major blunder by the Obama administration.

Meanwhile as the slain US Embassy workers were coming home in coffins, Obama tweets a link to purchase his sweatshirt. And in Tahrir Square, a four foot poster vandalizes the embassy with the words "Take Care America, We Have 1.5 Billion Bin Ladens".

I know there are lots of reasons to vote against Romney, but I can't think of one damn reason to vote FOR Obama Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Healthcare for every legal resident of the US is a very compelling reason.
joe bloe's Avatar
Healthcare for every legal resident of the US is a very compelling reason. Originally Posted by waverunner234
We are bankrupt. Obamacare is a compelling reason to vote out every Dimo in Congress and the White House. We can't afford socialized healthcare. Implementing Obamacare will just accelerate the economic meltdown that is coming. The estimated cost of Obamacare has already been revised dramatically higher than the original fraudulent estimates.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, you are exaggerating again, but that is usual for you.

We are not bankrupt buddy, but we are climbing out of the worst recession this country has been in since the Great Depression.

So why are we in such dire straits?

Well, mainly because of the idiotic policies that Bush implemented.

Invading Iraq was the most moronic war this country has begun since Viet Nam and with the same amount of success.

Tax cuts for the rich only made a bad situation worse than it needed to be.

. . . If you like the economic hole Bush left this country in, just vote for Romney because he will surely lead us down that death spiral again!

We are bankrupt. We can't afford socialized healthcare. Implementing Obamacare will just accelerate the economic meltdown that is coming. The estimated cost of Obamacare has already been revised dramatically higher than the original fraudulent estimates. Originally Posted by joe bloe