sign on changed today?

So did anyone have to enter their user name and pw to access the site today? is that a new thing? or should I change my password now lol

to be clear i had to enter my credentials to access the site at all, like the home page. weird.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-16-2012, 11:52 PM
Ye, I noticed that as well. I have asked about it. When I have more to share I will report it here.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I'm not sure what exactly you're talking about but if it has anything to do with that annoying f*cking Eros popup screen, I do NOT like it, at all.

But, I guess that the price we have to pay for the powers that be adding yet another revenue stream to the site. Just wish there was a way to disable/turn off the damned thing



Mature Companion's Avatar
It's nothing new. I've reported this issues to St. Chris a mnth ago.
And I still have the issues no matter how much I clean the cookies/cache.
I give up on logging in, over and over and over. I just go to the eccie home button, to navigate my way around and then it will show your logged in. Until you go to your PM box and it takes you right back to the log in page yet again and tells you your not logged in.
I hope it doesn't have anything to do with Eros spam pop-ups that takes place when I click on my PM's.

It's annoying as heck and has been an ongoing issue for me, for over a mnth.

So did anyone have to enter their user name and pw to access the site today? is that a new thing? or should I change my password now lol

to be clear i had to enter my credentials to access the site at all, like the home page. weird. Originally Posted by ghost636
.....just one of the little things (and one that offers a little protection also) we have to endure to participate on the site ===> especially for the price it costs us to use it
SofaKingFun's Avatar
If the complaint is repeatedly having to re-enter your info each and every time you attempt to access this site, then my question to you is, don't you always?

If you're able to click on the shortcut, or whatever, and open up this website, UNDER YOUR ACCOUNT, and then freely cruise the site, *without having to enter your Username/Password*, then you're not exactly covering your ass, nor of those you've contacted/conversed with/ got saved in your private message folders....ESPECIALLY if you're a provider!!

Shame on you if you aren't taking this extra step to protect your and your contacts collective asses.

Logging-on should NEVER be as easy as turning on your computer and clicking on an icon only then being able to cruise a site such as this freely.

There SHOULD be steps in-place to prevent this and there are! That's what this is and that's why it's there.

If you're bypassing this CRITICAL and IMPORTANT safety feature, you *seriously* need to re-think your game plan here, folks

If you are able to log-in so easily, what do you think is going to happen when someone *else* unexpectedly gets behind your computer and clicks the icon?

Yeah, yeah, yeah....that will never happen to *you*...I know that you are the only one who *ever* uses your computer and I'm sure that you have every safeguard in place to prevent that from happening and blah, blah, it.

If you were indeed concerned at all about your/your clients/your contacts, safety and anonymity, then why on earth would you bypass something so elementary and so important as the sign-in?

That is just ridiculously fucking stupid.



Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Sonya, can't take this no more.....This really sucks Balls haha....:-) lol
My understanding of it is if you don't log out or remove cookies , and frequent the site enough to not let cookies expire . You won't have the problem . I'm on iPhone and have site bookmarked , I have no problems .
Mature Companion's Avatar
And whom might you be directing your anger toward?

Fyi:..there's a big difference with logging in every time one
accesses the board. That's just common sense.
Then there's the site log in issues when one logs in...and it states
your logged in. Only to have you not logged in when you go to peruse the
site. So you log in again. And yet again you get that *thank you for logging in*
message only to then again go peruse the site or access your PM box
to then yet again for the umptenth time...receive an error message that your
not logged in.

And therein lies the login issue. That perhaps you've not yet encountered.
but others have. So save your *shame on you* remarks.

If the complaint is repeatedly lhaving to re-enter your info each and every time you attempt to access this site, then my question to you is, don't you always?

If you're able to click on the shortcut, or whatever, and open up this website, UNDER YOUR ACCOUNT, and then freely cruise the site, *without having to enter your Username/Password*, then you're not exactly covering your ass, nor of those you've contacted/conversed with/ got saved in your private message folders....ESPECIALLY if you're a provider!!

Shame on you if you aren't taking this extra step to protect your and your contacts collective asses.

Logging-on should NEVER be as easy as turning on your computer and clicking on an icon only then being able to cruise a site such as this freely.

There SHOULD be steps in-place to prevent this and there are! That's what this is and that's why it's there.

If you're bypassing this CRITICAL and IMPORTANT safety feature, you *seriously* need to re-think your game plan here, folks

If you are able to log-in so easily, what do you think is going to happen when someone *else* unexpectedly gets behind your computer and clicks the icon?

Yeah, yeah, yeah....that will never happen to *you*...I know that you are the only one who *ever* uses your computer and I'm sure that you have every safeguard in place to prevent that from happening and blah, blah, it.

If you were indeed concerned at all about your/your clients/your contacts, safety and anonymity, then why on earth would you bypass something so elementary and so important as the sign-in?

That is just ridiculously fucking stupid.



Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
just a note but my email page signs-out after a pre-determined amount of time be it set by the website or myself (if that option exists).....
.....many sites are like that (especially my bank) as it saves bandwidth, provides additional security and limits numbers not using it which can cause the site to slow down
SofaKingFun's Avatar
There was no anger in my reply. It was simply a fact that if you're bypassing that simple safeguard then you're not protecting your or your contacts collective asses. Do you agree or would you care to dispute this claim?

If this isn't something that you're doing--bypassing the log-in-- then what I stated doesn't concern you, now, does it? But the fact that you chose to call me out speaks volumes.

No, I have not experienced this issue.

Maybe you did something that you weren't supposed to do?
Perhaps the website just doesn't like you?

I'm just guessing here, but who knows? I'm not a computer expert.

Guess you'll just have to wait until Mokoa gets back to you on this.


Sonya Playmate, I'm sorry to hear that you're at wits end...what say we get together and see if there's some way to release all of this pent-up frustration you seem to be harboring...Wee!! TeeHee!



Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-17-2012, 07:05 PM
The logon issue Wicked Milf is referring to is when the site repeatedly prompts you for your handle and password after you have already given them. That issue has been reported by a number of members and so far there has been no reported resolution. Some of those members have been able to resolve that issue by doing the usual cleaning up of the temporary file areas, cache and cookies.

The issue with the Eros pop up is a separate issue and has been experienced by a number of users as well. At this time there is nothing more to report about that one.

Let's leave the emotion out of it, please.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Thanks Mokoa.
It's the cleaning of temp files/ cookines / when the log in issues get worse. I can encounter of the logged in/ then not logged in, issue for about a dozen tries at a time.


There was plenty of uncalled for anger and insulting remarks in your previous posts which were directed at an individual.
I chose to call you out as you were out of line by insulting a lady and telling her *shame on them* and accusing said lady of bypassing the log in protocol and stating, *how just ridiculously fucking stupid* (as you were referencing a lady by the comments you made)
What's ridiculous is that you failed to read what was written before you made insulting remarks. Had you of read her original post. You would of known
she was not speaking of ever *by passing log in protocol*.

There was no anger in my reply. It was simply a fact that if you're bypassing that simple safeguard then you're not protecting your or your contacts collective asses. Do you agree or would you care to dispute this claim?

If this isn't something that you're doing--bypassing the log-in-- then what I stated doesn't concern you, now, does it? But the fact that you chose to call me out speaks volumes.

No, I have not experienced this issue.

Maybe you did something that you weren't supposed to do?
Perhaps the website just doesn't like you?

I'm just guessing here, but who knows? I'm not a computer expert.

Guess you'll just have to wait until Mokoa gets back to you on this.

If you were indeed concerned at all about your/your clients/your contacts, safety and anonymity, then why on earth would you bypass something so elementary and so important as the sign-in?


Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
SofaKingFun's Avatar
You, in my statement was used as a collective noun. Acollective noun is the name of a number (or collection) of people or things taken together and spoken of as one whole.

In this instance, you, was the group of people who are doing something ridiculously fucking stupid in bypassing the sign-in screen.

If this happened to include you (which is now being used as a proper noun, in singular form meaning; one specific person, you) then yes, it was directed at you (individually) as well as you, (the collective group), who are doing something ridiculously fucking stupid in bypassing this safeguard and placing the collective group as well as anyone they may have contacted--those being, the one's whose private messages are still in these people's private message folders.

Does that clarify things for you? (singular/proper noun; directed at one specific being, you) i can explain it to you, unfortunately, I can't understand it for you, too. But something as clear as this, surely can't be all that difficult to understand.

And rest assured, there is no anger in my post. It's simply the blunt truth. Like it or not.



Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-18-2012, 12:08 AM
In addition to what I posted earlier...

For the most part the occurrences of these issues is intermittent, making them tough to diagnose and fix.

Yes, clearing cache and temporary Internet files will cause the site to prompt for login information because such session specific information will get wiped out. The idea is that such action forces the site to re-establish that information in case it had been corrupted.

It would be helpful to know what operating system and browser you are using. I am using Windows XP SP3 and Firefox Version 12 and so far I have not encountered either of the issues mentioned. Are you using a computer, tablet or a smartphone?

These issues are being discussed in the Technical Questions forum.

The login issue is discussed here...

The Eros popup issue is discussed here...