This will have legs for a couple of news cycles at least

Romney just can't help but fuck up....
I B Hankering's Avatar
You've had too much Kool Aid, Little Timmy, if you think anyone has forgotten Odumbo's remark, " . . . they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them . . . ."
Trotting out that tired old koolaid remark instead of a defending the incredible stupidity of the recorded remarks of your boy? I ain't surprised.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Trotting out that tired old koolaid remark instead of a defending the incredible stupidity of the recorded remarks of your boy? I ain't surprised. Originally Posted by timpage
You missed the point, Little Timmy. For ever indiscretion you level against Romney, your boy Odumbo has "been there and done that." But yeah, Odumbo's remark was INCREDIBLY stupid, and it's lasted more than a few news cycles, but you Kool-Aid drinking Dims ignore your boy's fuck-ups.
As you kool aid romzombies ignore his...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, when talking about Obama supporters, Romney was right. Rare honesty.
Actually, when talking about Obama supporters, Romney was right. Rare honesty. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Right. His description fits 47% of Americans who voted in the last election. You're a fucking idiot.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Most of them don't vote, Timmy. And they have nice benefactors, like you, to vote for them, to increase the welfare state, so you don't have to get your hands dirty by actually helping someone.
Romney just can't help but fuck up.... Originally Posted by timpage
I just gained a bunch of respect for Romney!..Thanks Mitt.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Dismiss? I think Romney is right on target and the numbers support him. What you did Timpage is just tell the enemy soldier opposite you that you are out of bullets. Not a smart thing on your part.
TexTushHog's Avatar
You don't think that religion is a crutch for many here? And guns are a terrible blight on our society. A shame we can't have a reasoned debate on that issue. What's your point? I think that far more than 50% of Americans, including many who are religious themselves, would like to get religion out of our political process. And I think that a majority would support limits on guns, though that one will be a closer call.

And I think that this gaffe kills Romney with the few undecided voters that are left. And his campaign knows it. That's why they trotted him out personally to semi-apologize for the remark. There are also some as of yet unreleased remarks from the same fundraiser hat are said to be just as bad or worse.
LexusLover's Avatar
There are also some as of yet unreleased remarks from the same fundraiser hat are said to be just as bad or worse. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
From both candidates. The point of most of the remarks in this thread. The old saying:

"If the shoe fits, wear it."
Actually, when talking about Obama supporters, Romney was right. Rare honesty. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I suppose if it makes the idiots happy to believe that crap than let them wallow in their misery! Mitt Gaffney knows it doesn't take much to make the hogs wallowing in their slop happy!

Hell, Gaffney's just feeding his hogs!

Woooooooooo Pig Sooie!
Most of them don't vote, Timmy. And they have nice benefactors, like you, to vote for them, to increase the welfare state, so you don't have to get your hands dirty by actually helping someone. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He was talking about the people who do vote.

The remarks were cartoonishly stupid, and are further evidence that Romney and the crew of keystone cops running his campaign are utterly unqualified to be in charge of a volunteer fire department, much less the government of the United States. You just don't get yourself elected President by dismissing and insulting half of the electorate. Unlike you dumbasses, he is at least smart enough to recognize the remarks are going to damage his campaign, as evidenced by how quickly they trotted him out for that news conference so he could dodge all the questions about it, and deliver his non-apology apology.

I voted for Obama. I don't depend on government. I don't get any government benefits. I don't think of myself as a victim. What's amusing about the entire thing is that the folks that receive the most government benefits are white males, high school educated, over the age of 65. In other words.....Republicans.
Dismiss? I think Romney is right on target and the numbers support him. What you did Timpage is just tell the enemy soldier opposite you that you are out of bullets. Not a smart thing on your part. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
As long as you keep posting, I'll never be out of ammo.