The Occupation of Afghanistan is ALL about Pipelines, Minerals , Smack, Genetically Modified Agriculture, Arms Sales and Permanent US Military Bases

SEE3772's Avatar
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  • 09-18-2012, 04:16 AM
While I agree in part. Expect to see opposition from exNYer.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
We have lithium in Nevada. Chile and Australia are huge producers and are FRIENDLY.

So the people that control the world want the US to be the emperial forces that occupies that nation so they can exploit it for its riches just like Obama says we should not do.
Makes you think he is in bed with them then does it not.
SEE3772's Avatar
We have lithium in Nevada. Chile and Australia are huge producers and are FRIENDLY.

So the people that control the world want the US to be the emperial forces that occupies that nation so they can exploit it for its riches just like Obama says we should not do.
Makes you think he is in bed with them then does it not. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Is it in the water?
Just curious because there's been open discussion about adding it to the public water supply in America. Fluoride and Chloramines are two nasty toxins in most of the US water supply.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Permanent military bases??? I guess you're saying that Obama screwed up again. Part of the Bush plan was a permanent military presence in the Middle East IN IRAQ. An isolated base connected to the coast (and port facilities) by a modern road. So you have air, land, and sea power all in one place. Obama's plan is to put soldiers in a land locked country without modern roads. Good job there Barry.
Around 90% of the world's opium comes from Afghanistan. Afghan opium production 'rises by 61%' compared with 2010. Guess that's why ever since America... and the Coalition of the Willing invaded and occupied the country Heroin on the American streets has skyrocketed. The Afghan occupation is all about Pipelines, Minerals , Smack, Genetically Modified Agriculture, Arms Sales and Permanent US military bases.... and the BANKSTERS RUN IT ALL! Originally Posted by SEE3772
Oh, for the love of God.

You are relentless in posting links to articles about Subject X, as it that proves we are in Afghanistan because of Subject X

Heroin? Really? Russia asks the US to eradicate the heroin supply, so that proves we are in Afghanistan to control the heroin supply? To destroy it or make money off it?

Afghanistan has been sending heroin to this country for generations. NOW, we decide to occupy it?

And if controlling drugs is our reason for occupying Afghanistan, why aren't we occupying Colombia? Why aren't we occupying Peru or Turkey? Why aren't we occupying Mexico? Why aren't we occupying Northern California?

Those places send us a LOT more drugs than Afghanistan.

We aren't going to waste lives occupying a narco-state because we can win the drug war any time we want to. Long before we will ever occupy anyone, we will just legalize the shit and tax it. We learned in Prohibition that you cannot permanently eliminate drug dealers. As long as there is a demand, there will be suppliers.

And that phony pipeline? The chin waggers in diplomatic circiles starting talking about that at least in the mid 90s, probably earlier. So it has been 15-20 years. Has any one STUCK A SHOVEL IN THE GROUND YET? No, I didn't think so.

And that NY Times articles about preliminary estimates of minerals in Afghanistan? Has anybody followed up on that? Has any of that been proved true? Is anybody even remotely interested in sinking money into Afghan to develop those supposedly vast resources? No I didn't think so.

No one has and no one will and the think tank chin waggers know that. They have absolutely no solution to the fanatical religious violence in that country. The biggest problem with Afghanistan is that it is full of Afghanis. And no one is going to occupy it for its natural resources for exactly that reason. If it has any resources, they might as well be on the Jupiter.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Lithium is in salt water and is recovered from the salt flats.
We can get all the lithium we will ever need from friendly sources.

Lithium carbonate is used to make the "Lithium" that liberals need to control their eradic behavior.

The idea of making car batteries for electric cars is not the reason unless Obama has some buddies that want to cash in on it.