List Five POSITIVE Things The Current Person In Office Has Done For AMERICA

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Nothing comes to mind. Oh and I have a bet on this thread. Come on WTF make me some money baby!!
LovingKayla's Avatar
Oh wait I know!!! Another 15 million on food stamps.
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  • CJ7
  • 09-18-2012, 12:51 PM
I could list a lot more than that....but, I'm not interested in arguing with you about whether, for instance, a seriously ill person being able to obtain health insurance because the insurance carriers can no longer deny coverage based on preexisting conditions, is a good thing. I'm sure you think it's......horror of horrors: socialism. Course, you ain't sick with some curable disease (stupidity isn't unfortunately) and unable to pay for the treatment.

That's one.

And, just for grins: The shitbag who knocked down those towers and killed 3,000 Americans sleeps with the fucking fishes. Ohhhh, I know. Obama either doesn't get any credit for it....or he sucks because he takes too much credit.

That's two.

That ought to be enough to get the douchenozzles foaming around the mouth. Let 'er rip.
1 He kept a republican out of the white house
2he pissed off the right wing
3 he bought a dog
4made a mad man out of Rush
5 gave the eccie board something to talk about besides hookers
6 brewed beer instead of tea
markroxny's Avatar
1. Affordable Care Act
2. Ended the War in Iraq
3. Saved the auto industry
4. Killed Bin Laden
5. Saved the major financial institutions from collapse (people seem to forget that)

Oh and here is about 50 MORE!
LexusLover's Avatar
..#1:..but, I'm not interested in arguing with you about whether, for instance, a seriously ill person being able to obtain health insurance because the insurance carriers can no longer deny coverage based on preexisting conditions, is a good thing.

#2: The shitbag who knocked down those towers and killed 3,000 Americans sleeps with the fucking fishes. Ohhhh, I know. Obama either doesn't get any credit for it....or he sucks because he takes too much credit. Originally Posted by timpage
#1: The reason why he/she doesn't have coverage for a pre-existing condition is because he/she doesn't have a group policy through his/her employer that will take over pre-existing conditions BECAUSE he/she don't have no job for group coverage!!!

and I won't even discuss the lack of final regulations to enforce any such "law" ... because it does not become effective until AFTER his first term .... unless of course you are in one of the selected groups (like unions) that will NEVER be under the requirements of the law because the Secretary is passing out "exemptions" like xmas the "friends" of theirs who they think will put them back into the next four years ... to crap up some more stuff.

#2: He gets credit for giving the green light ... the agency he wants to dismantel and disembowel economically while neutering from valuable techniques tracked his ass down and was monitoring him BEFORE Obaminable was sworn .... and now Obaminable takes the credit for the kill while the good doctor who made it all possible rots in a Pakistan cell for being a "traitor" ...

I think the only thing Obaminal actually killed was a chance for a quick economic recovery in this country ... and since he wants to take credit for the kill of OBL from his decision making as CIC, his decision making also killed Ambassador's called failure to adequately protect his appointees by ordering the military to establish a defenseable barrier around his location and kill anyone who cross the "yellow" line..

There is just good every where ........ now isn't there?
LexusLover's Avatar
Nothing comes to mind. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
You darkened your avator ... it is more difficult to see your lovely breast.

Or am I suffering from being in the dark too long about all the good Obaminable has done for the country for which he and his wife have profusely apologized to the world.
#1: The reason why he/she doesn't have coverage for a pre-existing condition is because he/she doesn't have a group policy through his/her employer that will take over pre-existing conditions BECAUSE he/she don't have no job for group coverage!!!

Typical repuke response. Let them die, it's not me or my wife, child, mom, etc. What the fuck difference does it make what the reason is?

and I won't even discuss the lack of final regulations to enforce any such "law" ... because it does not become effective until AFTER his first term .... unless of course you are in one of the selected groups (like unions) that will NEVER be under the requirements of the law because the Secretary is passing out "exemptions" like xmas the "friends" of theirs who they think will put them back into the next four years ... to crap up some more stuff.

This has shit to do with shinola other than giving you the opportunity to bash a union, make some unsupported predictions and feel good about how smart you think you appear to be. Try again.

#2: He gets credit for giving the green light ... the agency he wants to dismantel and disembowel economically while neutering from valuable techniques tracked his ass down and was monitoring him BEFORE Obaminable was sworn .... and now Obaminable takes the credit for the kill while the good doctor who made it all possible rots in a Pakistan cell for being a "traitor" ...

Oh, you're right. Bush gets the credit. Sorry, I forgot. You can look back to the last administration to give credit where credit is due....but, we can't look back to point out all the shit your boy fucked up. Including the topic of your next paragraph: the economy. I'll just keep quiet because we can't blame Bush for anything.

I think the only thing Obaminal actually killed was a chance for a quick economic recovery in this country ... and since he wants to take credit for the kill of OBL from his decision making as CIC, his decision making also killed Ambassador's called failure to adequately protect his appointees by ordering the military to establish a defenseable barrier around his location and kill anyone who cross the "yellow" line..

There's not one shred of credible evidence tying anything Obama did, or didn't do, to the death of Ambassador Stevens. I get that it's your Rush Limbaugh talking point and that you are desperately looking for an issue to hang around President Obama's neck with Romney tanking in the polls and looking like it's all gone bad... but...sorry. There just isn't any evidence. You saying it...over and matter how many times...doesn't make it factually supportable.

There is just good every where ........ now isn't there? Originally Posted by LexusLover
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Page ...

I'm still waiting for Obaminable to boast about Obamacare ... let's see he wants to take around

$ 800 billion to provide health care for 15 million people (not all U.S. citizens).. for how long?

And I hope he stands tall right now and shouts one out about how he killed the Muslim hero ... of many of those sacking and burning our embassies ....

I hate to bust your name-calling, disrespectful bubble-ass, but I don't pay attention to "Rush" ... or Biten .... I am all for affirmative action in college grants and loans to assist those lesser privileged folks to better themselves with a good education, so long as they are not smoking up the money and clouding their brain with ... err... well you know, but ...

I am not real high on affirmative action into the white house and on the job training to be a leader!

Your hero, Obaminable, has never "made" anything worth while in his entire life. The best he could squeeze out as a credential was a label as a "community organizer" ...although he has yet to identify the "community" he organized and ..... he is afraid to show his sorry ass grades or the fraudulent grant/loan application to pay for his college .... and he has taken a serious deficit and turned into a monstorously uncontrollable one ... with horrendous inflation looming just after the election ... so he can suck on the govenrment tit four more years while trooping around the world on junkets with his family and friends.

And if he does get re-elected he can still blame Bush for his own incompetence, apologize because the U.S. sucks, and beat his chest over Obamacare while blaming the Congress and the Supreme Court for not agreeing with him (oh, before you celebrate ... the Court's decision on Obamacare was not a "win" for your side .. you really need to read the "fine print") ...

As for Stevens .. the CIC in responsible for "personnel movement" .. remember? "I am bringing the troops home just like I promised!" ... Rather than having some dropped off to protect my good friend I appointed to travel into harms way! Who was it that said: "The buck stops here" while in the White House. Obaminable "owns" the demise of Stevens... not Bush .. Obaminable!

He's a sad joke, and the Muslims don't even respect him!
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  • CJ7
  • 09-18-2012, 03:16 PM
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I'm still waiting for Obaminable to boast about Obamacare ... let's see he wants to take around

$ 800 billion to provide health care for 15 million people (not all U.S. citizens).. for how long?

And I hope he stands tall right now and shouts one out about how he killed the Muslim hero ... of many of those sacking and burning our embassies ....

I hate to bust your name-calling, disrespectful bubble-ass, but I don't pay attention to "Rush" ... or Biten .... I am all for affirmative action in college grants and loans to assist those lesser privileged folks to better themselves with a good education, so long as they are not smoking up the money and clouding their brain with ... err... well you know, but ...

I am not real high on affirmative action into the white house and on the job training to be a leader!

You hero, Obaminable, has never "made" anything worth while in his entire life. The best he could squeeze out as a credential was a label as a "community organizer" ... he is afraid to show his sorry ass grades or the fraudulent grant/loan application to pay for this college .... and he has taken a serious deficit and turned into a monstorously uncontrollable one ... with horrendous inflation looming just after the election ... so he can suck on the govenrment tit four more years while trooping around the world on junkets with his family and friends.

He's a sad joke, and the Muslims don't even respect him! Originally Posted by LexusLover

maybe you should learn what youre talking about before you talk ..


The bill, HR 3200, specifically bars coverage for illegal immigrants. Section 246, which is included in the part of the bill that sets up a health insurance exchange, forbids payments "on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.
He prevented Sarah Palin from being a heartbeat away from the most powerful job on earth.

That's like 10 things right there.
He prevented Sarah Palin from being a heartbeat away from the most powerful job on earth.

That's like 10 things right there. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Man, you got that right....
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  • CJ7
  • 09-18-2012, 03:40 PM