Policy of Appeasement?

I see this is the talking point of the week for the repukes. To be used in conjunction with efforts to blame President Obama for the attacks on our embassies in Egypt, Libya and elsewhere.

Appeasement? Seriously? Do you think there is one government left in the Middle-East that doesn't think we will fuck them up in a heartbeat after the US has been in a constant state of war in the mid-east for a decade now?

We're engaged in combat operations 24 hours a day in Afghanistan. We're running crossborder ops into Pakistan and Iran. We've probably got boots on the ground in Libya and Syria. We're killing the new Al Qaida or Taliban number two man once a fucking month with a drone strike. We fly a SEAL team, along with various support elements into the sovereign territory of Pakistan without so much as an "if you please" to kill Bin Laden and dump his shredded remains into the ocean. We call them up after we do this to tell them we did it.....and, they're supposed to be our ally. We've got an aircraft carrier battle group in the Persian Gulf right now in a "mine-sweeping" operation. Uh huh. What we're really doing is flipping the bird at Iran.

Seriously? Appeasement? WTF?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-18-2012, 03:12 PM
you have facts based on whats really going on in the mid east, and then you have rightwing talking point facts ... the two differ considerably
They don't differ considerably....they have no relation to one another at all that I can see. They've truly reached the point where the statements they make on some topics aren't just spin....they flat-out have no relationship to reality.

You know what it is, right? Obama doesn't dress up in a Halloween flight suit like Bush so he can prance around on a flight deck, and pretend he's a serviceman. Doesn't say shit like "Bring 'em on." That's what the repukes look for in their "non-appeaser" leaders. Big talking idiots.

By the way, not to hijack my own thread....but, where do they find those "number two" men in Al Quaida and the Taliban that you read about getting greased every other week? That has got to be the most dangerous job in the world. We must have killed a dozen "number two" guys if the media reports have it right.
They are all #2 no one wants to be #1
I B Hankering's Avatar
“That’s what’s been sort of one of the more amazing things about this past week, is, what happened in Libya was a horrible, horrible tragedy with the killing of four Americans there. But at the end of the day, what’s far more important is what happened and what didn’t happen in Egypt. Because Libya is not the center of American national security interests, Egypt is. Egypt is the linchpin of everything that we’re trying to do in the Middle East, particularly keeping it going with the Camp David peace accord between Egypt and Israel, and what you saw in Cairo was president — a new president, President Muhammad Morsi who is of the Muslim Brotherhood and who the Obama administration has been trying for the last 18 months to sort of encourage the Arab street and encourage the democracy movement there and has backed this brotherhood — even against our own allies. But you saw president Morsi stop and take forever, he took 24 hours, before he criticized the attack on the American embassy. That’s a really long time and when he did it he did it on Facebook. That really infuriated the Obama administration. President Obama ended up calling him from his hotel room in Colorado where he was campaigning and sort of read him the riot act. And that’s really disturbing when you see — when you see the loss of sort of American influence and American leverage in a place that for 30 years has sort of been one of our staunchest — no matter what you say about the word allies, one of our staunchest allies.” NYT's Helene Cooper

Fast Gunn's Avatar
The crime system like a military operation works in a cycle.

When No. 2 man is killed, then No. 3 moves up and the cycle continues. New recruits are brought in.

, , , Where there is a demand, there will be a supply.

By the way, not to hijack my own thread....but, where do they find those "number two" men in Al Quaida and the Taliban that you read about getting greased every other week? That has got to be the most dangerous job in the world. We must have killed a dozen "number two" guys if the media reports have it right. Originally Posted by timpage
Randy4Candy's Avatar
IBShittin', your total lack of grasp is exceeded only by your willingness to be led.
I B Hankering's Avatar
IBShittin', your total lack of grasp is exceeded only by your willingness to be led. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Ms Cooper's understanding of Odumbo's foreign policy is better than yours, Randy4Andy, and she says Odumbo's policy has gone to shit. BTW, isn't the New York Times a liberal newspaper, Randy4Andy?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The first thing you said is wrong. No one is blaming Obama for the attacks, they are blaming Obama for not taking reasonable precautions or reacting to the known threats in the area on the day of 9-11. He completely failed while he was in Las Vegas.

You know that makes me wonder....people like you blamed Bush for Katrina including the fact that he didn't end his vacation sooner. Why do we get nothing out of you when in the midst of a crisis Master O goes to Vegas, goes on Letterman, has a party with Beyonce, etc.?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-18-2012, 11:30 PM
The first thing you said is wrong. No one is blaming Obama for the attacks, they are blaming Obama for not taking reasonable precautions or reacting to the known threats in the area on the day of 9-11. He completely failed while he was in Las Vegas.

You know that makes me wonder....people like you blamed Bush for Katrina including the fact that he didn't end his vacation sooner. Why do we get nothing out of you when in the midst of a crisis Master O goes to Vegas, goes on Letterman, has a party with Beyonce, etc.? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Ill ask you too

based strictly on a suggestion from Libya (yanno ragheads) as president what would you have done in 3 days or could you have done in 3 days to stop the attacks ?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Egypt under Mubarak was U.S. staunchest ally, this morsi guy, he's a different animal. he's not likely to play the same way Mubarak did.
There were attacks on US embassies in the Middle East on the 9/11 anniversary.
Obama blamed a poorly made video and the First Amendment.
What part of appeasement don't you understand?