Will Obama be re-elected with more than 70% of the vote?

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Looks like they haven’t thought it through….again.
By saying 47% live off the government and accept no responsibility for their position and all that implies makes it likely those 47% will vote for Obama. That includes the 30-40% of the 47% that are republicans.
Face the fact that assuming the 47% are all liberals, is stupid. Real stupid. Like a bad economy only affects 1 party.

Where were you when Mitt shit the bed?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
First they have to round up all those lazy ass worthless fuckers and get them on the bus to go vote, and vote again, and again....
Munchmasterman's Avatar
First they have to round up all those lazy ass worthless fuckers and get them on the bus to go vote, and vote again, and again.... Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Even the republicans? Don't they have trucks?