USA Economic Freedom Ranking: From 3rd in the World to 18th in a Decade

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, this sure looks like it's Bush's fault, since the time frame is 2001 - 2010, but I doubt Obama is doing much to reverse the trend, and I'm not sure Romney will, either.

From the article:

A decade of trampling all over the Constitution since September 11th, 2001 has something to do with it. The drug war, which gives police the power to seize property even without a conviction among other things also has something to do with it. There are the Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank laws which have piled massive regulation unto the shoulders of businesses. And of course there is the steady rise in the number of government/business “partnerships,” i.e. crony capitalism.

Crony capitalism, aka fascism. Not a good thing for us. Not at all.


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But I thought the GOP was all about economic prosperity? Let's go and vote for Mitt! He'll put us back on 1st place on day 1!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Romney supports all the crony-capitalist, statist policies that Bush II and Obama supported. There isn't much difference in this area between the two candidates. Or between our current President and his predecessor.
I know, sarcasm was on. I can't believe people still believe the fairy tales the parties tell them.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Interesting passage:

The U.S. has declined in the rule of law and property rights because of such things as “the ramifications of the wars of terrorism and drugs, and violation of the rights of bondholders in the bailout of automobile companies.” The country also has suffered because of a decline in the freedom to trade internationally, fiscal deficits caused by the growth in government, and various forms of regulation.

Read more: RAHN: America in free-fall - Washington Times

Another FYI, the U.S. was in 10th place in 2008.