Romney campaign edited Obama "redistribution" audio

What a surprise.

Here's what President Obama actually said:

"I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody’s got a shot. How do we pool resources at the same time as we decentralize delivery systems in ways that both foster competition, can work in the marketplace, and can foster innovation at the local level and can be tailored to particular communities."

Gee, capitalism.
markroxny's Avatar

The Romneybots just desperately trying to change the subject and put Obama in the same hot water their boy is in. Not working tho.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-20-2012, 01:35 PM
rightwing redistribution rhetoric seems to go to the alley when you mention tax cuts, and they are all for that..

if tax cuts arent redistribution of wealth, tell me what is ?
if tax cuts arent redistribution of wealth, tell me what is ? Originally Posted by CJ7

Since when is allowing people to keep more of the money they earn "redistribution of wealth?"

People may reasonably differ on what the proper tax rate is for each income bracket, but remember that the tax code of the U.S. is actually much more progressive than that of Europe's social democracies. (Although the rates are far lower across-the-board.)

Do you realize that over the last thirty years, taxes have been cut far more for the non-affluent than for the wealthy?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So what Obama was really saying is "How can we disguise communism to look like capitalism?" This puts him in a better light? He sounded smarter in the edited tape.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-20-2012, 03:36 PM
assuming the republican party wanted to keep social security, and assuming tax cuts paid for themselves and assuming the top 2% paid the full 35% of their tax burden, redistribution of wealth and tax cuts go opposite directions
LexusLover's Avatar
if tax cuts arent redistribution of wealth, tell me what is ? Originally Posted by CJ7
.. a reduction in the amount of taxes that one must pay out so that the person or company can retain the funds that the person or the company earned in lieu of handing it over to someone to pass it out to people who will most likely vote the the someone who is passing it out so that the recipients can potentially guaranty that they will receive some of the taxes paid in the future to the someone who will in turn pay it out so the someone will get their vote again.
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you realize that over the last thirty years, taxes have been cut far more for the non-affluent than for the wealthy? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I don't think he does, because that would require the ability to read the tax code, which is far more challenging than the Obaminable-Pelunki-Read Health Tax Bill.

Which is one reason he doesn't fully understand the Health Tax Bill, because it requires certain provisions of the tax code to be comprehended to grasp the full outrageous leech on businesses, not to mention the volumes of regulations that much be implemented by the hoards of "new hires" that are coming on board in the Internal Revenue Service to collec the .... fines ... assessments ... surcharges ... penalties ........... uhhhhh ... ... what was it ... .. a "tax"?
So what Obama was really saying is "How can we disguise communism to look like capitalism?" This puts him in a better light? He sounded smarter in the edited tape. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You'd sound smarter if you'd be quiet.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-20-2012, 04:02 PM
I get the progressive income tax wealth redistribution equation ..

I also get Willard wants to leave it as is .. aka redistribution

eliminating SS and giving a top 2%er who paid 20% less (legally) than the 35% on the books a 120$K tax refiund check that adds to the deficit and effects a budget everyone has to pay for, including the middle class that make up the largest % of taxpayers, IMO is wealth redistribution.
LexusLover's Avatar

trying to change the subject and put Obama in the same hot water ..... Originally Posted by markroxny
... "the subject" is ... "Obama" .... and will continue to be Obama as hard as he tries to distance himself .... from himself.

It is an interesting debate he is having ..

..... "I am smarter than Romney cuz he's an idiot."

Folks were saying similar stuff about Bush. So how did Kerry like getting beaten by an "idiot" .... his followers set the bar ... now Obaminable is setting "the bar" .....

.. he really better win now ...... how's it feel to get beaten by an "idiot"?

Let's see ... are 47% of the people on the government dole? .....

................ or are 47% of the people "idiots"?

I can hear it now:

Michelle to Obaminable:
"I can't believe you let those "idiots" beat you? Now I have to move"
I B Hankering's Avatar

Since when is allowing people to keep more of the money they earn "redistribution of wealth?"

People may reasonably differ on what the proper tax rate is for each income bracket, but remember that the tax code of the U.S. is actually much more progressive than that of Europe's social democracies. (Although the rates are far lower across-the-board.)

Do you realize that over the last thirty years, taxes have been cut far more for the non-affluent than for the wealthy? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Yep! That's the "new" Dim twist on language being employed by the left. NPR ran a story this afternoon claiming Romney's tax plan will redistribute the wealth from the middle class to the very rich completely ignoring the fact that it's not the rich who are pilfering the wallets of the middle class -- it's government. It's not the rich who are squandering the wealth of this nation -- it's government.
... "the subject" is ... "Obama" .... and will continue to be Obama as hard as he tries to distance himself .... from himself.

It is an interesting debate he is having ..

..... "I am smarter than Romney cuz he's an idiot."

Folks were saying similar stuff about Bush. So how did Kerry like getting beaten by an "idiot" .... his followers set the bar ... now Obaminable is setting "the bar" .....

.. he really better win now ...... how's it feel to get beaten by an "idiot"?

Let's see ... are 47% of the people on the government dole? .....

................ or are 47% of the people "idiots"?

I can hear it now:

Michelle to Obaminable:
"I can't believe you let those "idiots" beat you? Now I have to move" Originally Posted by LexusLover

Wow. You at Happy Hour or something? Have another drink....
BigLouie's Avatar
So what Obama was really saying is "How can we disguise communism to look like capitalism?" This puts him in a better light? He sounded smarter in the edited tape. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

No, if you were an educated man you would see that Obama is actually talking about government systems and ways to make them more cost efficient.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-20-2012, 04:51 PM
So what Obama was really saying is "How can we disguise communism to look like capitalism?" This puts him in a better light? He sounded smarter in the edited tape. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

for an edited tape, willard sure has gone to full damage control mode hasnt he