IMPEACH OBAMA! DOJ Inspector General: Obama Administration Obstructed Fast and Furious Investigation

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Read the article. This should be grounds for impeachment. This is a Nixon-class coverup.

From the article:

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz confirmed Thursday to a House panel that President Barack Obama’s White House obstructed his investigation into Operation Fast and Furious.

The administration has also been accused of stonewalling the congressional investigation into the scandal.

“As we noted in the report — and, as you know, Congressman, we did not get internal communications from the White House — and Mr. [Kevin] O’Reilly’s unwillingness to speak to us made it impossible for us to pursue that angle of the case and the question that had been raised,” Horowitz testified in response to questioning from Texas Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold during a House oversight committee hearing.

Read more of the cover up at:
cptjohnstone's Avatar
it is Bush's fault

it is unbelievable how corrupt this administration is, makes Nixon look like a patriot
yadda yadda yadda
I B Hankering's Avatar
Brian Terry's parents are calling the report findings bogus.

Fast And Furious Report Slammed By Slain Border Agent's Parents

By BOB CHRISTIE 09/20/12 07:15 PM ET EDT

PHOENIX — The parents of a U.S. Border Patrol agent killed with a gun sold in the government's botched "Fast and Furious" gunrunning investigation believe a Justice Department Inspector General's report into the case was mostly an effort to keep Attorney General Eric Holder from being blamed.
Agent Brian Terry's father, Kent Terry, also said the former head of the ATF and a senior prosecutor who left the Justice Department after the report's release were getting off easy.
"We want whoever's responsible for this penalized, not slapped on the hand and given another pay raise," step-mother Carolyn Terry said. "I want someone to go to jail for what they've done.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Anyone else would have been charged with OOJ.

Inspector: Yes sir boss, I will do my job and find the correct conclusion, you can count on me.
Holder: Good job.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-21-2012, 06:20 AM
IMPEACH OBAMA! DOJ Inspector General: Obama Administration Obstructed Fast and Furious Investigation

Read the article. This should be grounds for impeachment. This is a Nixon-class coverup. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
There is an election this November. Impeach him there or please just try and STFU.

If he wins are you rabid Government haters going to do the Monica on him for four more years to the determint of the country.

Impeach him at the ballot box. Or please just STFU.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-21-2012, 06:26 AM
Typical response from the left.
markroxny's Avatar
This will be the first order of biz for the refublicans once Obama gets re-elected....they will try to impeach him. *Yawn*

Didn't work with Clinton, won't work with Obama.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then you're ok with the Fast and Furious coverup, is that right?
markroxny's Avatar
I am totally ok with a full independent and unbiased investigation...that includes what happned in the previous administration!

What im NOT cool with, is using every excuse to try to impeach Obama in his second term. But we both know that's what's going to happen. It's lame.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Americans being killed is okay with the Obamatons as long as it with guns provided by the DOJ. They also like Americans being killed by Jihadists as long as they can blame it on a movie.

You know it is always been a meme from Obama supporters, why didn't you blame Bush for all the spending, why didn't you blame Bush for amnesty for illegals, why didn't you blame Bush ....
The record is clear, we did blame Bush and we did stop him from granting amnesty, we did criticize the spending, we did criticize how that wars were being fought, we stopped him from putting Harriet Miers on the Supreme Court and so on.

Here it is, why haven't any of you blamed Obama for anything.
markroxny's Avatar
Part of this whole Fast and Furious scandal happened before Obama was president. It's a fact. To deny that is simple bias plain and simple
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
KarlMarksroxny, we've discussed that before. The Bush action was completely different, and was stopped before Obama became President. That's a fact. You need to pay attention. Fast and Furious was solely Holder and Obama's business.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Can't take the heat ehhh. Bush did have a program that was similar to Fast and Furious. called Gun Runner. and the weapons were tracked into Mexico. Wait! That is not exactly correct. The weapons were sold, tracked, and stopped before they got into Mexico. Under Holder, and only under Holder, they were sold, NOT tracked, and they got into Mexico where they could kill hundreds of Mexican citizens and a couple of Americans. Seems to me that there is a difference but maybe you can't see that. Lets talk about the lies and coverup but maybe you don't want to do that either.

By the way it became Fast and Furious under Holder/Obama in 2009 so there was no Fast and Furious under Bush. Simple fact.
markroxny's Avatar
KarlMarksroxny, we've discussed that before. The Bush action was completely different, and was stopped before Obama became President. That's a fact. You need to pay attention. Fast and Furious was solely Holder and Obama's business. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
REally? You have seen all the documents? You've conducted a full investigation? You know the inside information that even the republicans dont have?

Cool, you should testify before congress then....and help draft the articles of impeachment...which I am sure you are MORE than ready to do.