Black list?????

I have read, on other boards, about ladies "black listing" clients for various reasons. My question is, how does someone who has been black listed know that has happened. I ask that because in the last few weeks, I have tried to contact 3 ladies that I have seen 2 - 4 times in the past and have not recieved any reply. I have 58 p-411 okays, and 2 of the 3 ladies have given me okays. I have tried P.Ms', and phone calls ... even sent a birthday greeting to on (on her birthday) and after 3 - 4 weeks, no response at all. I THINK I have behaved properly and have not done a no show in years, and the 1 time I did I did call. I know that ladies are always expected to se only those they wish to see, but this kinda has me bugged. Of course there are others but here in my state the ladies are not as plentiful as othere places.
Squarenot's Avatar is one source. There may be others.
With 58 P411 ok's, I think you should be fine. I does make one wonder if a provider wanted to mud your immage that the black list is a good way going about it. Its not like us hobbist ever check to see if where on the list. If those ladies don't have the decency to email you back then I would suggest you move on to someone else. Hope it works out in the end for ya.
TravelinTony's Avatar
Why don't you ask the two ladies?
There could be other reasons.
Why don't you ask the two ladies?
There could be other reasons. Originally Posted by TravelinTony
IF they would respond to my calls/pms/e-mails there would have been no need for the post.
TravelinTony's Avatar
IF they would respond to my calls/pms/e-mails there would have been no need for the post. Originally Posted by carguy1989
Ah. Cold shoulder.
Want me to email them on your behalf?
I'll tell them I'm with the IRS and we're investigating you.
Ah. Cold shoulder.
Want me to email them on your behalf?
I'll tell them I'm with the IRS and we're investigating you. Originally Posted by TravelinTony
lmfao.... just what I needed,another reason to ignore me
john_deere's Avatar
dude, let the game come to you. i'm new around here, but i can already tell that returned calls are the exception and you can't take it personally. these girls have complicated lives!
Okay, let me give you an honest provider-based questionnaire:

*Are the ladies active on the boards? If she just posted something, but she's still ignoring you, then we may have a problem.

*Do you now or in the past have ties to a provider that has caused or been involved in drama like a bust, or is listed as providing BBFS?

*Have YOU ever attempted BBFS?

*Would your sexual appetite be considered 'difficult'?

*Have you entered into any arrangements with providers concerning advance payment for services that may have gone awry?

*With over 50 okays and several reviews, are you using the same ladies for references, even though it's been longer than normal since you seen them?

*Is there something about your physical person that a lady would deem as a negative?

I don't expect any answers to these questions. I just wanted to give you something to reflect on from a provider's standpoint. From just my experiences getting responses to reference requests, you have NO idea how minute the reasons are for ladies not recommending a guy or seeing him again.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Not saying this is the case, but I have heard of providers not wanting to see guys with that many okays. There was a whole thread on this subject a while back. I think it is crazy, the more okays the better IMO.
Although many great points have been made here...I would love to help any good hobbyist
Where are you located . I work with gals all over... I bet I can find a great provider in your area to see you.
PM me...
Not saying this is the case, but I have heard of providers not wanting to see guys with that many okays. There was a whole thread on this subject a while back. I think it is crazy, the more okays the better IMO. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
But that's the problem. These are women that he's seen before multiple times. There's only a few reasons you stop answering correspondence for a repeat client.

He either overstepped his boundaries, one of the 150 is one of the town BB Queens, or he's a 'difficult' client. And I must point out that us ladies define 'easy' and 'difficult' in different ways.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I have a black list but they are all good girls. :-)
A fellow provider friend pointed out in a private email after reading my comment that I sound like management and that my comment might offend. Truly I hope not.
I am not management of any sort just know lots of gals and I certainly never meant to offend anyone. I was just hoping to help out a hobbyist who seemed to be having a problem.
Trust me before ever recommending him to a friend and colleague I would try to get to the bottom of what happened.
I am going agree with Tiffany James.... that it is probably one of the things she has mentioned.
I towards either BBFS or He's wanting a service they don't provide or being difficult in their eyes.

Besides ...if my friend who wrote me is reading this...what may be difficult or not desirable to one provider may just be an others' cup a tea...Right?

Maybe with a little direction he could find the right provider. I could be wrong but the man says he has 50+ OK he is probably not an axe He may be just doing or ask for the wrong thing of those particular ladies.
All in All I was just extending a hand to help.
Not trying to create drama...
I saw a provider who, at the end of the session while we were chatting, told me I reminded her a lot of her ex. She had told me prior to the session that she went through a bitter divorce. I emailed her after a couple of weeks asking for another session. No response. Oh well, lots of other fish in the sea.