Romney Wants Roll Down Windows on Airplanes

BigLouie's Avatar
In his latest gaffe, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney lamented the fact that airplane windows don't roll down.

Romney's wife Ann's plane had to make an emergency landing Friday (Sept. 21) because of an electrical malfunction. Discussing the incident at a fundraiser the next day, he said: "When you have a fire in an aircraft, there's no place to go, exactly, there's no — and you can't find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don't open. I don't know why they don't do that. It's a real problem. So it's very dangerous."

Mitt Romney, a 65-year-old man with two advanced degrees, is running fro President and yet has no idea why they don't let you open airplane windows mid-flight. Yes sir, the Republicans have some candidate.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
What? Come on!

Did Romney really say that out loud?

Can you post a link?

. . . However, the real danger would be to let a milksop without a modicum of sense like that into the White House!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Sometimes it would be nice to roll down the windows.
So do you know at what altitude the plane was at hwen the cabin filled with smoke.
If I am not mistaken, pilots generally descend to a much ower altitude when there is an on board emergency like fire.
In a situation where you have dropped below the need for the cabin to be pressurized and the need for oxygen, being able to roll down the windows would be nice.
It would get the smell of democrats that shit their pants dispearsed.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The reason for sealing the windows in airplanes has to do with the critical differential pressure inside the plane and outside.

If just one window was opened in flight, people would be sucked out the plane through the window and suffer an excruciating death.

Anyone informed in the fundamentals of physics would know that, but apparently many do not.

Making ignorant statements like that and in public, no less, only parades your ignorance.

. . . Makes you wonder what else does this clown not know?
Howard Stern should include that question in his next man on the street interviews.

Stop trying to tinafey Mitt Romney.
Sensei's Avatar
The reason for sealing the windows in airplanes has to do with the critical differential pressure inside the plane and outside.

If just one window was opened in flight, people would be sucked out the plane through the window and suffer an excruciating death.

Anyone informed in the fundamentals of physics would know that, but apparently many do not.

Making ignorant statements like that and in public, no less, only parades your ignorance.

. . . Makes you wonder what else does this clown not know? Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Not to defend anyone but every C-130 I jumped out of had more than a door or two open, and though I had to hang out the door a few times I was never sucked out..sucky exits yes, rough landings yes but never sucked out. What you describe is a sudden decompression; while it would suck out a few small items and may cause some eardrum issues it has been shown that even at high altitudes that does not happen. Now, if a whole door was blown open or the side of the aircraft were to explode then yes, you may loose a flight attendant or passenger as was the case near Hawaii I believe. Getting an aircraft to lower altitudes where oxygen was not required you would be able to open a vent. One caveat would be the aircraft's design, I am not sure those large aircraft are designed to have those windows open while in flight.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
In his latest gaffe, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney lamented the fact that airplane windows don't roll down.

. Originally Posted by BigLouie

Oh please. the dude was making a JOKE. So he ain't Lenny Bruce or George Carlin. So what?

Not to defend anyone but every C-130 I jumped out of had more than a door or two open, and though I had to hang out the door a few times I was never sucked out..sucky exits yes, rough landings yes but never sucked out. What you describe is a sudden decompression; while it would suck out a few small items and may cause some eardrum issues it has been shown that even at high altitudes that does not happen. Now, if a whole door was blown open or the side of the aircraft were to explode then yes, you may loose a flight attendant or passenger as was the case near Hawaii I believe. Getting an aircraft to lower altitudes where oxygen was not required you would be able to open a vent. One caveat would be the aircraft's design, I am not sure those large aircraft are designed to have those windows open while in flight. Originally Posted by Sensei
Military aircraft are designed for that sort of thing, Commercial aircraft are not. And did you ever jump at 30,000 feet?

btw do you know why Commercial aircraft have ROUND windows?

The RAE also reconstructed about two-thirds of G-ALYP at Farnborough and found fatigue crack growth from a rivet hole at the low-drag fibreglass forward aperture around the Automatic Direction Finder, which had caused a catastrophic breakup of the aircraft in high altitude flight.[113] The punch rivet construction technique employed in the Comet's design had exacerbated its structural fatigue problems;[95] the aircraft's windows had been engineered to be glued and riveted, but had been punch riveted only. Unlike drill riveting, the imperfect nature of the hole created by punch riveting could cause the start of fatigue cracks around the rivet. Principal investigator Hall accepted the RAE's conclusion of design and construction flaws as the likely explanation for G-ALYU's structural failure after 3,060 pressurisation cycles.[N 21] The Cohen inquiry closed on 24 November 1954, and although the inquiry had "found that the basic design of the Comet was sound",[108] de Havilland nonetheless began a refit programme to strengthen the fuselage and wing structure, employing thicker gauge skin and replacing all square windows and panels with rounded versions.[10

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Are you really that stupid? Yeah, I guess you are.
I B Hankering's Avatar
"I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." -- Odumbo at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon
LexusLover's Avatar
In a situation where you have dropped below the need for the cabin to be pressurized and the need for oxygen, being able to roll down the windows would be nice.It would get the smell of democrats that shit their pants dispearsed. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
At air speed that would be "problematic" ...

As for the actual remark I guess everyone reads into a remark what they want to believe, but when someone needs a teleprompter to say "hello folks" and to tell him to wave at the crowd ... I guess it is easy to distort the meaning of what someone says on an off-the-cuff remark ... the truth is ... it IS a problem on commercial-passenger airliners that the windows do not open ... whereas with many smaller general aviation aircraft there exists an option to have outside air flowing into the aircraft ... not by rolling down a window ..
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The fact is that you must be very careful when you live in a fish bowl.

Every statement you utter will be scrutinized and your intelligence will be judged.

. . . Your ignorance will be exposed and your value is always on the scale and liable to plummet!