Formal apology cause i acted like a bitch to someone who was nothing more then nice to me...

Dayna Love's Avatar
ok Im going to be the BIGGER woman here and say Im sry busty Amy what i have said about you was wrong and childish. You have in my 6 months of providing show me and help me in a lot of ways and i was truly wrong for what i have done.... and I am truly sry. I can not delete what i have wrote in her or make it go away.... you are good ppl and i was blessed to find someone like you to show me through the ropes of this.....I dont get off on putting ppl down and its not right.... sorry....
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-25-2012, 07:56 PM
Ahh that so sweet. Makes me want to cry. Yep sure does.

BA can she still swim with you? She says she will shut her blow hole from now on.
Dayna Love's Avatar
whatever tray..... but truly i was wrong...he said she said shit that started the whole fucking shit....
and when you come to realize people will say and do anything to hurt someone else at the expense of someone else they will.... and that back and forth shit is not me... and it was very childish.. i was put in the middle and was used as bate and i bit. .I can admit when im wrong and i was wrong. and no i dont think we will swimming together this whale is going solo......and my blow hole will stay shut unless there is some dick in it..
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
You are just another victim of the spider hole. You trash someone who was nothing but kind to you, all so you could bring entertainment to the worthless lives of men who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire, let along ever patronize your services.

Don’t you get it … they are not laughing with you, they are laughing at you.

Amy should never talk to, deal with or help you again.
dearhunter's Avatar
Brooke must be yapping out her blow hole.......what does the Spider Hole have to do with this?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Damn you're a hard woman Brooke..... No forgiveness huh
Wakeup's Avatar
ok Im going to be the BIGGER woman here ... busty Amy ... Originally Posted by Dayna Love
Hahahahahahahahahaha You're bigger than Busty Amy??? Holy shit batman!
Dayna doll, you are a lady...
You do you, let them, do them...
It's not what you do, it's how you do it...and all that shit.
As for other hookers, my advice, solo is the only way to go.
Women are territorial, bitchy, vindictive...and this is a business, not a sorority.
Friends are expensive, especially hos.
I was thinking about calling Dr. Phil... so they could figure this out......
Brooke must be yapping out her blow hole.......what does the Spider Hole have to do with this? Originally Posted by dearhunter
WTF is " the Spider Hole"....

Brooke, is that a new trick? I have been reading allot lately, I have never heard anything about a spider hole, is that a new twist on something old?

Thanks in advance for the info.....

Deerhunter... sorry for the thread fodder,,,,
* Correction to the Thread fodder....

Dayna....." I am so sorry Gurl"
Dayna Love's Avatar
It had nothing to do with the HOLE period it had all to do with the out side of ECCIE but i put our business on here and should not have the only reason it was in the hole was cause i could not say here what i wrote in there and good thing too....I was wrong yes do i care if she excepts my apology NO do i care if she talks to me again NO do i care if she ever helps me again NO.... WHY cause i didnt do this for that i did it because thats whats right... When im wrong im least i can admit when im wrong.......I may be a hooker, Hoe, slut, whale whatever but one thing im not was the person who wrote all that nasty shit...thats not me and im better then that... I owed her an apology and thats what i did.... I dont judge ppl in anyway sharp or form. I council people in my REAL job who act like that... but i left this life style and others get the better of me and i needed to snap back to reality.....and that i did..Period.

brook it went both ways but amy didnt bring here I did and thats what was was a matter of he said she said shit and instead of acting like and adult and calling her on it i was nasty and mean here. and thats what was wrong.....
ok Im going to be the BIGGER woman here Originally Posted by Dayna Love

You sure about that sister?

:laughin g1::surf ing:

Fuuuuuck!! You canīt make shit like this up"!!!!!
Dayna Love's Avatar
Dayna doll, you are a lady...
You do you, let them, do them...
It's not what you do, it's how you do it...and all that shit.
As for other hookers, my advice, solo is the only way to go.
Women are territorial, bitchy, vindictive...and this is a business, not a sorority.
Friends are expensive, especially hos. Originally Posted by bestoralntexas

that i have learned the hard way.....its a cut throat money makeing hobby were in. and they talk shit on everyone this person said this that person said that,this person a whale that person to bag of bones and on and on fuck that shit, I left it get the better me and turn me into someone im not i have never experienced this kind of drama before and i handle it all wrong.... im a hoe, freak yes, a messy/drama queen no im not. Im to old for that shit I deal enough with that shit with my kids and i refuse to do it in my hobby life with other grown adults. LEASSON LEARNED never bring a hoe into ur person life always keep them at arms length and dont befriend them in ur real world.
The end to busty amy and mine drama life now its time to move on to something more exciting like sucking dick or something sexual.....
Since we're bringing up the "Hole", Sofia, can I get in that "Hole" please?