I haven't always cared for Homer13. We've been on the opposite side of a few fences.....Other than a love for strippers we don't share much other than a like for a certain midget sidekick..... and a dislike for one of the WK/Wusses... But....

Whispers's Avatar
The community needs more people like him willing to stand-up and voice their opinions and share information with the "devil may care" attitude being shown.

Many of you crucifying him are actually rather clueless.... I haven't talked to him in a while but he DOES seem to be "plugged in" and has accumulated a lot of very accurate information.

Right or wrong.... Take the info and file it away and when YOUR life is fucked by some lady or Pimp Wannabe he has warned you about.... You can remember "Who Told You So".....

There are so many fine ladies without the hint of controversy around them as well as agencies that you can utilize.... Why NOT err on the side of caution and avoid those that always seem surrounded BY the controversy?

I'm really amazed that he has taken the time to share so much amidst all the inexpensive pussy he has available to him..... There are not too many that do.....

I haven't had much time for the board lately and in looking around I have to say that a guy I've had little positive to say about for a few months is probably the guy I would really like to have lunch with and catch up with what the hell has been going on around here.

There is TOO MUCH truth in what he is preaching for it all to be invalid.

Thanks Homer...... Totally unexpected in light of a few things I know.....
The community needs more people like him

he DOES seem to be "plugged in" and has accumulated a lot of ** very accurate information.

Right or wrong.... Take the info and file it away and when YOUR life is *fucked by some-* lady or -*Pimp Wannabe he has warned you about.... You can *remember "Who Told You So".....

There are so many fine ladies without the hint of controversy around them as well as agencies that you can utilize.... Why NOT err on the side of caution and avoid those that thrive on controversy?

I haven't had much time for it and in looking around I have to say that a guy I've had little positive to say about for a few months is probably the guy I would really like to have lunch with and catch up with what the hell has been going on around here.

There is TOO MUCH truth in what he is preaching for it all .* to be invalid.. Originally Posted by Whispers

Hell yes its about time to let the truth be told!
The funny thing is, I actually agree with you (and i'm one of the ones you're calling clueless haha). His intentions are good. Accurate information is golden. My only problem has been with his approach in associating ladies with the list that he doesn't have facts about or that the ties are very indirect and hypothetical. That can cause damage to reputations of both hobbyists and ladies that are undeserving of that tag. I am certain he has a boatload of accurate information, but based on his descriptions and the previous lists he posted, I am also certain that there is also some questionable data in his arsenal.

There is enough lying, fake reviewing, fake accounts and posts on this board to always throw a second glance at anything that labels someone a certain way, be it related to management, BBFS, or any of the bevy of forbidden topics around here. My problem is that, while some of the associations are obvious and verifiable, some are quite a stretch. The "managed" tag, particularly with one with this kind of history, is not something to take lightly.

I attacked his methodology, and it is a valid concern. I have no problem with his intentions, goals, or even his motivation. The personal stuff was thrown my way first, so I responded in kind. Petty? maybe. Entertaining? Absolutely...
Whispers's Avatar
You don't always have ALL of the facts but at times there is enough going around to make a fairly accurate summation..... i went through the lists..... read the posts......

I've been tied into a lot of small groups for a lot of years...... To my knowledge Homer and I do not share ANY similar interests of associates that I get information from outside of that which is stripper related and even there...... we spend time with different ladies and different clubs on different days......

But I can say that I've seen nothing he has posted that I don't readily accept or already know about.....

I know there are others....

Will a lady or two get caught up in it all through some "guilt by association"? Sure.... But ECCIE makes up a small percentage of most ladies clientele...... So it means little to most ladies any of what is on here.....

But fr guys,,, that share information and put faith in what a stand-up guy has to say..... They may miss a lady they might have enjoyed and missed the controversy...... but there are enough quality choices available.....

I'm sure you don't agree.....

But leave the Business end of things to the Business owners.... Very few ladies here ever standup for and look out for the guys..... They will be fine without the crusaders.....

And Yes.... Definitely entertaining..... I'm glad to see I haven't been missed and you are all finding controversy of your own!
But fr guys,,, that share information and put faith in what a stand-up guy has to say..... They may miss a lady they might have enjoyed and missed the controversy...... but there are enough quality choices available.....

I'm sure you don't agree.....

But leave the Business end of things to the Business owners.... Very few ladies here ever standup for and look out for the guys..... They will be fine without the crusaders..... Originally Posted by Whispers
On the contrary, I actually do agree. I just have a different group of people I share with. I have seen some things that make me leery to trust in this particular instance. Not a personal attack on him, just going from what I know, what I have seen, and what has been said.

I'll be honest, while there isn't anyone I am "crusading" for or anything like that, I do get irked when I see any lady (or guy for that matter) unfairly dragged through the mud, even if I don't know her/him. However, I believe the odds are fairly decent that will happen in this case, which is why I joined the conversation. I did see one of the early lists that was posted (granted without all of the caveats), so I'm not flying blind here. I know the majority of business doesn't come from here for many of them, but that doesn't make it OK in my book. Did it get out of hand? Sure. It usually does around these parts as you well know.
txAustin202's Avatar
Not surprising that Mr. Know It All would chime in. Of course he'll totally ignore Homer's retraction of his so called facts. Also didn't they teach you that there's a limit to what goes in a title? Anybody can spot your long winded titles from a mile away. Call me a wuss all you want but you wouldn't look this wuss in my face when I was up in your grill those months back did you?
sixxbach's Avatar
Call me a wuss all you want but you wouldn't look this wuss in my face when I was up in your grill those months back did you? Originally Posted by txAustin202

Really dude?

txAustin202's Avatar
Yeah. You have a problem with that? I call it like I see it. Why does your chickenshit homeboy constantly take every opportunity to take shots at me even though he's too much of a wuss to do it in person. He wants to start shit all the time. I'm not some chump who's going to sit back and take his crap. Like I said before. I've seen him at P10 multiple times. He hadn't pissed me off then. Either put up or shut up.

Really dude?

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Whispers I appreciate the support in this. And more often then not over the last 5 years I believe we have been on similar sides on most issues with a few not so much.

Cyrick- You are clue less. Intentions aside, my information is accurate. My methodology is fine. Each lady on the list get's a full explanation of her involvement and the vetting process. You'd bitched and talked about something you never even seen and will never see. The main reason I haven't posted it yet is because I want to make sure all the I's are dotted and T's are crossed. That is the same reason I pulled it from my sig line. All the ladies in my sig line were ladies from RBB/MINT, since you called it flawed I'm guessing you don't remember RBB/Mint. I put the ladies from there on my sig line, can't argue with ladies right from a web-site, oh wait, jack holes like you can. As more information piled in and new ladies were added I removed the sig line and only started pm'ing the list so that I could explain each ladies individual association which I can't do in my sig line. All you saw was the sig line I posted. Everyone who asked for my list got an accurate list with explanations of involvement on every girl. No speculation, no bullshit but complete answers to their questions. With that said you will not ever see my list. I've shared it with the people who pm'd and that's that. I will not talk about it, post it or have anything else to do with it here on eccie. I don't know the rest of these people and I'm not gonna defend anything to blow hearts like yourself. It was never meant for people like you, it was meant for people who wanted the info not for people who just want to pick at it and come up with lame ass reasons to hate on guys who actually know what the fuck is going on. Yes you were kicked the fuck out of the Yahoo group and now the yahoo group is no longer open to everyone. Each person who wants to join has to be approved. People who want info can join, the rest can go about business as usual. You can argue, doubt what ever at this point I don't care. The list I came up with is accurate and each chick was vetted. As Whispers said from the list he saw he already knew they all were linked. That's because there are some us here that are in the loop and do share info with each other and verify info and have very accurate information on a lot of goings on here. And yes Whispers we do actually have a few people in common that we share info with. Is there guilt by association as has been asked. The list shares what the association is so not really. If the only association is that they do doubles with know ladies then that is the association. If the association is that they share an incall with known ladies then that is the association. Everything is explained. No ladies are just randomly added to the list and EVERY lady is fully vetted before she is added to the list.

202- I don't even know where to start. Get off the (staff edit; forbidden topic; ztonk) would be my first comment. The rage comes out so damn quick, even your girlfriend is constantly apologizing for you, both in pm and in person. It's got to be pretty embarrassing for such a high profile provider to be linked to such an immature hot head. You still want to fight with Whispers over something from 4+ months ago. What adults act like that, that is high school crap. Get a personality and then maybe you can go out and pick up chicks and date without having to pay all the time. You still look young and are in great shape so work on personality a little.

As far as the yahoo group goes if anyone wants to join click the link and sign up. In the part where it ask's you to type something put in your eccie handle and if you have a NSNC to add to the group put it in there. If you're not an ass or a hater you will be allowed to join. It is for people who want information on NCNS and Bad TCB so they can make decisions.

I remember it all quite well. And don't assume you know what I have seen and haven't seen. Not every girl in the first list you posted was from mint/rbb.

You turned this into a pissing match, not me. Get off your high horse and realize you are not the be all end all of information. Your logic was flawed. It was obvious to anyone who paid attention. The funny thing us you appear to have corrected the flaws in your methods. You've gone from irresponsibly sharing sketchy information publicly to a more thorough, calculated vetting process (at least you are claiming that), which was my whole point to begin with. Well done.

You assume to actually know something about me, but you don't. I realize it's common practice around here to try to categorize people the way you want to so you can berate their participation, but you know a lot less than you think you do about many people on these boards, including me.
I remember it all quite well. And don't assume you know what I have seen and haven't seen. Not every girl in the first list you posted was from mint/rbb.

You turned this into a pissing match, not me. Get off your high horse and realize you are not the be all end all of information. Your logic was flawed. It was obvious to anyone who paid attention. The funny thing us you appear to have corrected the flaws in your methods. You've gone from irresponsibly sharing sketchy information publicly to a more thorough, calculated vetting process (at least you are claiming that), which was my whole point to begin with. Well done.

You assume to actually know something about me, but you don't. I realize it's common practice around here to try to categorize people the way you want to so you can berate their participation, but you know a lot less than you think you do about many people on these boards, including me. Originally Posted by cyrick
As I said, all the original girls were from his agencies, as new ladies were added I realized I couldn't explain it all on the sig line and didn't want to have ladies on there who were only associated so I pulled the sig line. I don't assume to know or care about you or who you are. You're making assumptions that I am assuming but the bottom line is I could care less about you, your motivations or anything else. You are the one making assumptions about what I do or don't know and where I get it from. As I've said before, you just don't matter enough for me do this anymore. I'm done in that other thread arguing with a couple of haters and berators and I'm done here. I posted to that W and felt like answering something off your. I don't claim to know everything, I have a list I've compiled, that is all. As I mentioned I don't know anything about you but I could probably (that is if I gave two shit) dig and figure it out if you were worth the effort (which you're not)
txAustin202's Avatar
Actually dumbass I'm not going on about something from 4 months ago. Can't you read what's in the title? It's hilarious how I need to get a personality so I can pick up chicks but a chick just told me the other day to bring a condom on our next outing. You know jack shit about me. And again why don't you forward these PMs that you supposedly have? Haven't seen a single one from you yet.
Ollie Pop's Avatar
I have no idea what the hell any of you are talking about, or why for that matter, but it is my personal experience that Homer13 (and DieHard) both are a wealth of information and readily provide valuable reponses to most inquiries from hobbyists seeking guidance..
Actually dumbass I'm not going on about something from 4 months ago. Can't you read what's in the title? It's hilarious how I need to get a personality so I can pick up chicks but a chick just told me the other day to bring a condom on our next outing. You know jack shit about me. And again why don't you forward these PMs that you supposedly have? Haven't seen a single one from you yet. Originally Posted by txAustin202
So you have new beef with Whispers? Didn't know that my apologies but you have been calling him out since before your banning trying to meet up for some tough guy man to man erggggg. Bring a condom on your next outing that's great man. Dude my point was you should be getting tail left and right. I wish my body looked as good as your's. That was my point. You took it as a slight but I think you're in great shape (did you not get that from my post, why always focus on the negative). I just see how quickly you get inflamed here and again the apologies from your girlfriend for your board bullishness as she calls it. Yes I have seen her and yes I have txted and pm'd with her on occasion as well.
Just can't help but take another personal jab, can you? Thanks for the effort. I assumed nothing. Everything that I have stated or commented on came straight from what you have posted.

I don't have to make anything up or make assumptions. You have provided all the material.

As far as I go, there is nothing to dig up or figure out. I'm a regular guy that prefers that people post useful, accurate information. I applaud some of the things you say and do, but you were irresponsible (which you realized when you pulled your sig) in this case. I called you on it. Big whoop. Cut the personal crap and I'll leave it alone.